watChiNg mOviEs/tv, ps2, iNterNet, reaDiNg, LiSteniNg tO muSic
haLe! simpLe pLaN, gOoD cHarLottE, gReeNday, mcFly, DiShwaLLa, tRaiN, matChbOx tWeNty, ReDhOtChiLLiPeppErS, tHe gOoGoO dOLLs, 3 dOoRs DoWn
HarRy PotteR, LovE ActualLy, The PatRiot, IcE AgE, Pay It FoRwaRd - the best!!!! braVeheaRt, 50 fiRst datEs, OceaN's TweLve, OceaN's eLeveN, NatiOnaL TreAsuRe, PiRates oF thE CariBbeaN: thE cUrse oF the bLack pEaRL
CSI: Crime SceNe InveStigatiOn, SmaLLviLLe, Tru CaLLiNg, giLmoRe GirLs, AmeriCaN iDoL, the AmaZinG raCe, SurvivOr, NBA, tHe O.C.
the HarRy pOtteR seRies, halF-bLoOd PriNce iS da BeSt!
the Da ViNci CoDe
the hitChHikeR's GuiDe tO the GaLaxY