aJ profile picture


tHeRe iS no RemEdy fOr LoVe but tO LoVe moRE.. ;D

About Me

nku.. smiley face lng.. ayun!! mismo!! :D

My Interests

chattin.. tXtng.. malling.. hehe..

I'd like to meet:

people hU R nice.. cUte N frendly.. ahihi


pop.. rock..


a walk to remember.. harry potter.. lord oF the rings.. movieS bout tEens anD advEnture.. ü


any gma7 sHow.. haha.. ü fEaR facToR.. myX.. mtV.. lizzie.. mR bean.. lilo n stich.. baby looney tunes.. hehe.. i Luv cArtoons eh!!


harry potter.. sWeet vaLLey anD daWsons cReek..

My Blog

iM a Little bit..

wLa Lng.. sHarE kO Lng uNG fAve sOng kO fOr thE dAy... -- bEen sinGin tHis sOng aLL dAy!! haha... MYMP - A Little Bit I was kinda hesitant to tell you Should I let you know I was never real...
Posted by aJ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST