and lit.amateur photography [camwhoring in particular.hah!].dancing: ballet/street/modern/social/cheer.I used to play [and love] the org and prod.J-dorama.Anime.J-fasshon.JAPAN!archaeology.anthropology
.psycholog y.sociology. robots.techie stuff.long walks.the rain.clouds.summer stars.the rainbow.sunsets.serene places.funky pens.pigs.turtles.penguins.dogs.squirrels.koalas.pandas.pola
r bears.piglet.CINNAMOROLL.Anything from Sanrio!.wrestling [still fascinates me].deep pink.pumpkins.cactuses.oriental and football.meeting new people.shindigs.gigs.concerts.chinese, italian and jap food.chocolates, tuna and tea.SHOES.fruity scents.the sound of bass.drooling over bass guitars, lip rings and tattooes.wild and funky prints.piggin out.LFS: Leadership, Friendship, Service.Alpha Phi Omega International Collegiate Service Sorority and Fraternity
uhhh anyone..all ya f*ckers! hahaha i kid..add me up. go!!! do [email protected] that? now scram!
if we happen to be friends sa totoong buhay[wtf?!], add my personal account. it's
and oh, if you could tolerate my attitude and spoil me and and and,let me be a brat for the rest of my life,coz i just loff bein one, then i would loff that. tee hee wala lang.yes,check my multiply toooo...ERADICATETHECAMWHORE.MULTIPLY.COM awright?well, it's nothin spectacular but...uhh just check it out.
This won't hurt a bit.
tame my wild wild heart yo.
I've been watching your world from afar,
I've been trying to be where you are,
And I've been secretly falling apart,
I'll see.
To me, you're strange and you're beautiful,
You'd be so perfect with me but you just can't see,
You turn every head but you don't see me.I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep and I'll put a spell on you.
And when I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realise that you love me.Sometimes, the last thing you want comes in first,
Sometimes, the frist thing you want never comes,
And I know, the waiting is all you can do,
Sometimes...I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep,
I'll put a spell on you,
And when I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realise that you love me.I'll put a spell on you,
You'll fall asleep 'cos I'll put a spell on you,
And when I wake you,
I'll be the first thing you see,
And you'll realise that you love me, yeah...
could this be the end of something beautiful?
NOTE: to those who keep on askin for my number and shit like that, uh I'm sorry to say but I'm selfish when it comes to contact numbers..stop wastin my time, and yers too.ayt? ayt! just add me up if you want coz i DO approve friend requests..even from not so inviting MySpace users. haha I'm sooo mean.
go grab a copy nooow. contact 09192270378 or 09176413772. do eet!
And NU Rock Awards ees fast approaching so do cast your votes NOW. C'mooon, vote vote vote! horayts?!
My Multiply Site
i listen to one movement.dicta license.hilera.faspitch.AMS.urbandub.thebloomfields.narda.da
ydreamcycl e.happymeals.sinosikat.slapshock.rivermaya.eheads.13needles.
severo.sal amin.planedividesthesky.switch.takenbycars.monsterbot. .elroy. twistedhalo.sugarfree.thebitterpill.pedicab.if disco is a crime.queso.houndz.kapatid.cog.OBS.whatevurittakes.deathbyta
mpon.effin boiche.padrinos.vie.takingbacksunday.mcr.the used.underoath.panic! ray.snowpatrol.aqualung.good charlotte.hilary duff.AFI.lovemebutch.furcurve.deathcabforcutie.hawt horne heights.eisley.thestrokes.hoobastank.bostonpost.lostprophets
llowcard.s ugarcult.yyyeahs .themurmurs.switchfoot.whitestripes.thekillers.RHCP.googoodo
lls.foofig hters.franzferdinand.chem bros.collectivesoul.metallica.nirvana.rooney.radiohead.stere
ophonics.c oheed&cambria.arcticmonkeys.coldplay.mudvayne.APC.tool.s
ound garden.oasis.beastie boys.suede.scottmoffat
i also listen to good hiphop music once in a while, plus blues,techno,disco,bossa nova,house,ballads and country music are good too. :]
a walk to of love.lords of dogtown.almost famous.freedom writers.transamerica.hotel rwanda.elephant.apocalypto.10, 000 BC, princess diaries.material of rock.the devil wears prada.50 first sassy girl.windstruck.lovele complex.nana.wickerpark.serendipity.Alvin and the CHIPMUNKS! [THEODORE IS A MILLION HEARTS!].family guy.simpsons.piglet's big movie.finding nemo.dead poets society.kill carter.nana.little rascals.king of wax.lord of the flies.american pie.i know what u did last summer.girls on top.Jurrasic Park.I'm Reed takes two.HP.pirates of the carribean.LOTR.spiderman.tom and huck.the wedding the parents.a lot like ng dati.ang pagdadalaga ni maximo oliveros.the list goes on and on and...
Mtv, any sports program will do, gilmore girls, hanazakari no kimitachi e [HANA KIMI!], hana yori dango, america's next top model, love generation, long vacation, two of a kind, 7th heaven, gokusen, GTO, Yukan club, My Girl!, devil beside you, why why love, detective conan, binbo danshi, survivor, smallville, love storm, room raiders, amazing twins, american idol, punk'd, saved by the bell, laguna beach, simpsons, family guy, arthur, that 70's show, and some of them J-doramas [Feck GMA-7 for exposing them and making em mainstream.PFT.] and Anime. I'm more of a radio person, actually. :]
The Purpose Driven Life, The Holy Bible, Vince's Life, The Breakup book, He's Just Not That Into You, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul, A Walk to Remember, Japan at a Glance, Making Out in Japanese by Todd and Erika Geers [DOUMO ARIGATOU TOSHI-KUN!!!Ü], Lord of the Flies, Princess Diaries, A Case Study on the Living Conditions and Child Labor in San Benito Victoria Laguna [HAHAHA!], Tea Time Stories for Women, Man's Search for Meaning, When God Writes Your Love Story, Nodame Cantabile by Ninomiya Tomoko [arigatou Yusuke-kun!], Sweet Valley KIDS and high :p
sorry, I don't read that much.haha say wut you wanna say, tamad ako eh.
Jesus Christ