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Go, Jet Set, Go! Phucket, Bora Bora and More!

About Me

Hijo de Guerra.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I am Caligula. Glutton of gluttons. Men over women. Man over woman. The whore of all men. And I... Am not ashamed to admit, it's not enough to say "I love all of you." And I'm aroused. When you're lying, you're lying. We are OK, in a misguided sadist way. We are OK, in a disabled veteran way.Can I ever begin to imagine, the terrible itch is mine, it haunts your mind, the family of five, the end in mind.I dine with wolves again. I travel with theives again. What did I teach you? What did I teach you? You're lying, you're lying.We are OK, in a misguided sadist way. We are OK, in a disabled veteran way.So don't confuse why we put you here. For your automation for individuality. A notch of my belt is how you shall exist. A notch on my bedpost is how you shall exist. No more, no less for the common good. Thats you, American womanhood. Thats you, American womanhood.:)


Tupac, The Beatles, Bad Brains, King Crimson, Led Zeppelin, Tool, The Doors, Peter Gabriel, APC, Nick Cave, Tom Waits, David Bowie, Million Year Dance, Will to Live, Diamanda Galas, PJ Harvey, The Tie that Binds, Autolux, Converge, Cave In, Meshuggah, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Sigur Ros, The Mars Volta, Jeff Buckley, Nearly God, Radiohead, Portishead, Tricky, Los Tigres del Norte, Saul Williams, David Garza, Cocteau Twins, Billie Holliday, Tears for Fears, Slick Rick, A Tribe called Quest, Talking Heads, Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble, Depeche Mode, Queens of the Stone Age, Failure, NIN, Amy Winehouse, Cage, Nas, Santana, Turmoil, Team Sleep, Clinic, Death From Above 79, The Jesus Lizard, DJ Shadow, The Game, Lupe Fiasco, U2, RATM and well, you get the idea....


The Departed, The Devil's Advocate, Beetlejuice, Batman, Heat, Godfather, Goodfellas, The Pianist, Clash of the Titans, Cloak and Dagger, The Lost Boys, The Outsiders, Shocker, Se7en, V for Vendetta, Casino, Amorres Perros and...


Ever since Silver Spoons went under; television just hasn't been the same.


I'm currently reading The Art in Fear by the person whom wrote it.


There's a few songs floating 'round that have saved me from time-to-time.

My Blog

To the come of time...

First and foremost; I'd like to extend my undying appreciation to all of my close-knit friends for all of their care and support during my family's ongoing turmoil. Thank you, than...
Posted by TKNY on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 05:59:00 PST

Nine of Sword's

Like the antique frame, I've hung desire up on my bedroom wall. Asinging reminder for daily aesthetics. Thank "nine of swords." You havemurdered my ambition and left it in the river to flow.Pattern in...
Posted by TKNY on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 10:49:00 PST

Warm Heatherette

Into the fine-line. A pink solace. Born from and ongoing sexualpenetration. Incredible brilliance. How life cycles and recycles itselfdeep inside the spectrum of vagina and her vast psychedelia of blu...
Posted by TKNY on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 10:39:00 PST