Visiting Seattle, Antiquing, Flea Markets, Secondhand Shops, reading, going out, watching movies with my husband, computers, Internet, my web site service business, camping/cabin-ing, roller skating (skating since we were 12 :), snowboarding...
People who love Seattle, people and businesses from Seattle, Lake Stevens, Everett, Bellingham, Arlington, Marysville or any cities in that area.
Relocating North of Seattle...
We're not sure where we want to move exactly. I love Seattle... if you haven't caught onto that yet :] But we're looking for somwhere North of it, but aren't that familiar with any cities from Seattle to Bellingham at all, although we're thinking somewhere close to a Costco since my husband will be transferring when we're ready to move..... any suggestions on neighborhoods or locations??
I run a web site service business and would also like to start marketing my business in the Seattle area. I would like to keep all of my current clients, but if we move, I want to expand my business in Seattle and the surrounding areas. Please add my business MySpace page Danielle's Design.Com . I do web design, site hosting, site management, site updates, search engine submission, MySpace design and layouts and more.
Jewel. Brenda Weiler. Gewn Steffani. Christina Aguilera. Motley Crue. Ac/DC. Guns N Roses. Poison. Lynard Skynard. Metallica. Megadeath. Linkin Park. Red Hot Chili Peppers. Black Eyes Peas. Pussycat Dolls. Emenem. Hip Hop. Dixie Chicks. Faith Hill. Gretchen Wilson.
Drama/Action/Suspense, Comedies, Love Comedies.
Glass House, Cellular, Derailed, Firewall... others.
Wedding Crashers, Heartbreak Kid, Knoced Up, Superbad...others
The Incredibles, Monster House, Ant Bully... Many others!
Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews
Petals on the Wind by VC Andrews
The Twisted Window by Lois Duncan
NXLeveL Guide for entrepreneurs
Web Standards Creativity
Innovations in Web Design with XHTML, CSS, and DOM Scripting
Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design
The Zen of CSS Design