First of all I would like to thank you for taking theI am strictly on myspace for business purposes ONLY so if urequest me as a friend and I don't except please don'ttake it personal. U either have no business purpose for meor u just didn't make it noticable and I would love to addu as a friend, I'm just trying to network that's all.But yes I am a make-up artist as u can see I try to postmy most recent work as i do it, so if u like what u seeplease don't hesitate to ask questions or make anappointment and check out my blog for prices and if u wantto schedule an appointment leave me a message. I offer myservice for FASHION SHOWS, PHOTO SHOOTS, WEDDINGS, VIDEOSHOOTS, SPECIAL EVENTS, & ANYTHING THAT REQUIRES AGLAMOUROUS FACE TO BE MADE...
Cool Slideshows..
Cool Slideshows....