I've been in the business of make-up application since 1998 I'm a native Bay Area girl with a passion for art and magnetism. I have always had a flair for drawing and painting so I put all of that talent to good use.I've loved to play with make up since I was 2 years old. My feelings then still apply, Colors bring everything alive†I go by the name Cheeks in the make-up industry.. it’s my real last name.. and I feel that all women are beautiful and every woman has the ability to be even more beautiful by emphasizing the right facial features. Cheeky Girl was started to uplift self-esteem in women who don't realize how beautiful they really are.I work with a triple threat team of makeup artist Myself, hair stylist Shalon, Owner of Illusions Hair Salon in Suisun City CA and professional photographer Juarez Santiago for the most absolute gorgeous photo experience.I help create and promote model portfolios as well as assist in posing instructions for beginners.I also teach a self application makeup course at Illusions Hair Salon in Suisun City. Email me for prices and dates.We have been able to assist in getting local jobs for models looking for work and many more opportunities for those that will work for print.I also create promotional items such as flyers, posters and special effect portfolio reels (professional mini slideshow of your portfolio burned onto a CD).