Calendar by Crazyprofile.comHappy feelings will attract more happy circumstances You can begin feeling whatever you want (even if it's not there).. the universe will correspond to the nature of your song...
You can change your emotion immediately ... by thinking of something joyful, or singing a song, or remembering a happy experience...
An affirmative thought is 100 times more powerful than a negative one. If you turn it over to the universe, you will be surprised and dazzled by what is delivered ... this is where magic and miracles happen...
I'd like to meet:
Not necessarily in this order:Khalil Gibran
Danna Faulds
Jeorge Luis Borges
Friedrich Nietzsche
Francis Bacon
Sigmund Freud
Frank Kafka
Simone de Beauvoir
Jean- Paul Sartre
Richard Ford
The Buddha
Lord Shiva
Santa Claus, the real one
Elizabeth Smart
Lord ShivaHe
Who destroys to create anew
Can you wipe her out?
A greasy stain removed
Erase her from this earth
Clean chalkboard
Is it in your power to give her wings?
Teach her how to fly
Would you?
Could you?
Sashay her to higher dimension
Shake your matted brown hair
And caress her bones with your holy tresses
Envelope her in a warm embrace
A Kashmir blanket in a winter night
You are the one she wants to rest with.DK
Tarot LadyTell me my future
I want to know
Reveal my life to my curious self
An open book read until the end
When is love coming my way?
Can’t live without it any longer
Like a spoon without a fork,
A pot without a lid.
Boiling water
in my head
burning to understand why
I need it
like lungs breathe air
and a headstand needs practice
I want it
like sugar in my coffee
a towel after a bath
no luck
no love this life
loveless like an abandoned child
that’s your future
She tells meDK
There are moments when rules
are meant to be broken; when
bursting out of context is the
sole way to see with new eyes.
there are fences built only to
be torn down. The slats look
solid, but no one drove the nails
in tight. There are barricades
around the heart asking to be
breached. Sooner or later we
all run out of excuses for
staying smalla nd safe.Danna Faulds
Though He is nothing, He becomes everything necessary at the proper time. He holds without hands, walks without feet, sees without eyes, talks without tongue, and hears without ears. He is neither man nor woman, yet conducts the workings of the world taking the form of man and woman.Consciousness is the Self - Shiva Sutra 1.1
Possiamo includere il mondo nel nostro amore, e nessuna irritazione può turbarlo, nemmeno l'invidia...
Ma il rumore dei miei mari interni, la luce abbagliante di questo cataclismico parto di amore dentro di me, non possiamo udire chiaramente ciò che l'uomo dice. Rispondere sarebbe come svegliare uno che dorme profondamente e vuole continuare a dormire. Sorrido, ma sono in stato di trance, non c'è altra realtà che l'amore.
nemmeno posso udire sotto le sue parole sottili l'inizio dell'antagonismo del mondo: l'odio dei mediocri di fronte ai miracoli. La sola cosa che voglio è che tutti se ne vadano via e mi lascino mille vite per riflettere, soltanto riflettere, su questo stato di completezza.
Così a lungo sono stata schernita. Il significato svolazza sulla mia testa, sempre irraggiungibile. Ora è venuto a posarsi dentro di me. Ha trafitto il centro stesso del circolo. Amo, amo, amo...I am run-over, jungled in my bed, I am infested with a menagerie of desires: my heart is eaten by a dove, a cat scrambles in the cave of my sex, hounds in my head obey a whipmaster who cries nothing but havoc as the hours test my endurance with an accumulation of tortures. Who, if I cried, would hear me among the angelic orders?Elizabeth Smart