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About Me

Motores was formed in 2000 when Gustavo X, a local slinger from the Porto Alegre punkrock scene arrived in São Paulo and began his quest for seriously committed musicians to play. X hooked up with drummer Flipi, and the duo started jamming and writing songs on a daily basis. Rodrigo Luminatti auditioned for the second guitar slot, but eventually ended as the band´s bass player. They soldiered on as a trio with X as the lead singer, but felt that something, or someone, was missing. One day, as they rehearsed their usual set, Talita walked in the studio and gave the boys the missing link they were looking for as soon as she grabbed the mic: a mix of Joan Jett, Blondie, Pretenders and No Doubt. She was the last to join the band and now all they had to do was hit the streets. The gigs were non-stop and their onstage reputation was highly praised. In late 2004, Flipi was handed his walking papers and the band auditioned a couple of skin pounders.Ivan Copelli was the right man for the job after only one rehearsal. With this new line-up, Motores recorded their debut produced by Kiko Zambianchi, one of Brazil´s most respected musicans and the band´s godfather. Motores their self-titled album will be released in March 2007! Check them out! Amigos e fãs, Motores vem com novidades pra vocês e o CD em breve está na mão. Todas as pessoas que enviaram e-mails pedindo o cd, shows, camisetas, entre outras coisas, fiquem tranquilas! Estamos fechando os últimos detalhes para o lançamento do nosso disco e já começamos a marcar shows a partir de abril, avisaremos todos que estão em nosso mailing, em nosso flog, myspace, orkut, youtube, tramavirtual, site e através de nossas parcerias. Se você quer fazer parte do nosso mailing e ficar por dentro das novidades, envie um e-mail para: [email protected] . CLIPE PARA TODOS!! PARA QUEM NÃO CONSEGUIU VER NA MTV, NOSSO CLIPE JÁ ESTÁ NO AR E PODE SER VISTO POR TODOS!!! O LINK DIRETO PARA O CLIPE OFICIAL É: NÃO DEIXEM DE CONFERIR O NOVÍSSIMO SITE QUE VEM COM NOVIDADES, MUITO MAIS FOTOS E VÉIDEOS PRA VOCÊS : Contrate motores: [email protected] .. MySpace Profile Editor Desafio - Clube Belfiore

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Member Since: 11/9/2005
Band Website:
Influences: Beatles, Stones, Clash, Ramones, Rita Lee, Tutti-Frutti, The Who, Sex Pistols, Stooges, Iggy Pop, Ac/Dc, Black Sabbath, David Bowie, Nirvana, Pretenders, Blondie, Juliette Lewis and The Licks, Foo Fighters, Joan Jett, The Donnas, STP, Led Zeppelin, Elis Regina, Kiss, Mutantes, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, No Doubt...
Record Label: indie
Type of Label: Indie