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peter choyce

If this is a pissing contest, gentlemen, then let us begin!!

About Me

Hear more shows from KXLU

September 25 - Part 1 My Life On Drugs
September 25 - Part 2 Mohammed's Parrot
October 2 - Part 1 Max is Gone
October 2 - Part 2 LRC Gossip
October 2 - Part 3 Peter Flirts
October 3 - Part 1 What's the password?
October 3 - Part 2 Contemplating mortality October 3 - Part 3 Drug induced ecstacy October 3 - Part 4 The Divided City
October 3 - Part 5 Serendipity
October 5 - Part 1 I Feel Good
October 5 - Part 2 Crescendo
October 5 - Part 3 Self Promotion
October 5 - Part 4 The show that got me fired
October 21 - Part 1 Illness and Madness
October 21 - Part 2 The Revolution Will Not Be
October 30 - Part 1 Bruce Blacklisted
October 30 - Part 2 The Hunchback of KXLU

Never been married, no kids- i am the 47 year old virgin, a soiled off color white. I'm suddenly in my mid 40s and no wife in site- what am i? GAY?!? Guess so. It's okay. But I hate what the GAYS like. They have the worst taste in music and they are overly concerned with the superficial, like what you are wearing. I wish I had more gay friends but on the other hand, they don't like me either. They think I'm John Wayne.

I am a so-called-ACTOR, now, Thats what a lot of us late life lost feel compelled to claim to be. I work the bit parts in the talkies, starring in the indies and re-appearing in the serials. I'm in all sorts of TV shows, most roles BG and not worth a mention. But some movies like BOBBY and THE PRESTIGE, close up, babe. Get on my FUN list if you want updates of where and when and what I'm on-send an E: [email protected]. No, love YOU!!!!!

When I'm not listening to the radio, I'm ON it!!! I've been rockin' out on the college radio all my short life and now on LA's KXLU, 88.9 FM in LA. I do rock the old fashioned way- nO iTUNES, ACTUAL 45's and 33 1/3rds. The only downloading i do is in the rest room. I don't mean to be crude, but often my humor depends upon it. get it? Depends? yow.

I hate the lady on the phone who insists on more OPTIONS. That and the sound of buses and refrigerators, yet i no longer pop pills when i feel compromised. I sit there, suck it all in and shake and shake some more.

I have a cat who died-little Mynshki. I wrote a BLOG for him there. My new Cat i think is named little USHKIN, but he is only black and white. He knows how to go OUT but not how to come back IN yet. I hope he don't end up like Mynski, at the bottom of the stairs with a hole in him. Oops~ "her!"

I am under water sex freak. I swim for an hour every day. I need to stretch out and think while not thinking. It's my temple, my religion. Unlike Jesus, who came here to earth, by his father, God, to show us suffering, guilt, condemnation and how to worship HE, I prefer YOGA to get to my inner being. I wish I could bike everywhere but you can't here in LA. It's just overwraught with too much exhaust.

I feel defined by what I'm not, too. I have never skied, drank a coke, been to a sports game,existed (really!,)or for that matter been inside a Walmart supercenter, or watched a full episode without being distracted, rode a roller coaster, until yesterday, when I did for a TV pilot on the s/m Pier. I bought nothing for xmas and expect the gift of nothing in return. Nothing allievates the guilt and meaningfull-lessness of this time between infinities.

My life would be even more complete if i could ever get over whatever this phase is called-it's the manic upswing after the midlife crisis(?) -it feels pretty good most of the time but who am i kidding? I need something in this little house besides a cat. Are you lonesome, tonight?

My Interests

deep interest in the sublime-not much else tho.

I'd like to meet:

I already met him and it was a thorough dissapointment. My fault!!


The FALL, fad gadget, New Model Army, abecedarians, kimya Dawson, Leonard Cohen, Tigerlillies, Stranglers, Electralane, Mountain goats, CHELSEA, Tuxedomoon, Newtown Neurotics, Thee headcoats, Pere Ubu, HAIR, The Ex, Chumbawumba, Zappa, Babybird, Eric Burdon, Coasters, 5 keys, Jackie Wilson, Fats Domino, Aphrodities Child, Wire, Firey Furnaces, Bright eyes, Fashion, Danielson Family, A Certian Ratio, STereo Total, Hefner, In the nursery, Phil Oachs, Lavern Baker, Tindersticks, Swans, Loudon Wainright III, Bongwater. John Vanderslice, Bowie, Prolapse, Clinic, Donovan, Smog, Test Department, Os Mutantes, Legendary Pink dots, Dresden Dolls, MIssion of Burma, Skyhooks, Nuetral Milk Hotel, pre-disco Bee Gees, Dore Previn, armand Shroebuck, M80, joy divisions, Xiu xiu, hint hint, Creme & Godley, Silver Apples, Deerhoof, I am kloot, Fiery Furnaces, Ramones, motorhead and john cooper clark, blood brothers, shangri la's and thats just off the top of my HEAD!!


Paths of Glory, girl 27, that man- peter berlin, red cherry, A very long Engagement, The Lives of Others, Citizen Kane, Wisconsin Death trip, Roger and me, Fury (1938 Fritz Lang), Sunset Boulevard, slaughterhaus 5, Reversable, the TIN DRUM, requiem for a dream, March of the Penguins, City of God, Europa, europa, Diabolique, Run Lola Run, Eraserstupid Head, LA roit music spectacular, Mcabe and Mrs Miller, Stalingrad, Bonnie and Clyde, inside deep throat, titanic, some good porn, Superman and the mole men, Night of the Hunter, Lemony shnicket, IN good company and any other movie I'M IN!!!


6 feet, CURB, Mary Hartman Mary Hartman, Simpsons, American Dreams, any show I'm ON!! POV, Frontline, Ken burns


Sam Harris: Letter to a christian nation. "The RApe of Europa" (Lynn H nichols) The professor and the madman, easter rising, issacs storm (Eric Larsen), thunderstruck, Devil in white city, THE SHOCK DOCTRINE, no LOGO- Naomi Klien, a question of GOD, Darkness at noon-Arther Koestler, The God gene, Jerze Kozinski, Gunter Grass, 4 arguments for the elimination of Television jerry mander, extra work for brainsurgeons!


Howard Zinn, Madame Currie, Tesla, Leonard Cohen, Naomi Klien, Stanley Kubrick- 'specially the last scene of PATHS OF GLORY, Darby Crash, King of Denmark who had everyone wear the star of David when the Nazi's arrived, The Ex, Chumbawumba, Jeff STryker, Nina Hagen, Gyorgy Zsilak, Richard P Choyce (dad), Mary Fuerer, Pete Seeger, Phil oachs, Salvadore Allende, George Carlin, Little Richard, Elenore Roosevelt, the Beaver, Eugene Debbs, Tolstoy, Sissy Spacek, Greg Sage, Patrick Fitzgerald, Fredrick Wiesman and Mynshki

My Blog

I am no longer looking at MYSPACE

I've moved my blogs and personal life stories over to KXLU, where I dj.Please, contact me thru there.Or hit me up at [email protected]   It's the adds.  I strive to live a commercial fre...
Posted by peter choyce on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 06:32:00 PST

That last blog

that myspace post, i took that down, but maybe i'll put it back up it was a good one   it was supposed to be sent, u know, to this friend who recently stopped taking my calls.   He was ...
Posted by peter choyce on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 12:10:00 PST

Do you have a BIKE you aren’t using?

Yes, James managed to get my bike stolen.  I bought the bike for a hundred dollars off Craigs list not too long ago.  I haven't ridden it in one year cuz of ye olde spine problemo, so I gave...
Posted by peter choyce on Wed, 28 May 2008 05:09:00 PST

How to dispose of the body?

things aren't as bad as how i felt when i wrote that last thing I wrote.    i got a new roomate already.  i picked him up at the train station.  He's blonde, tall, 26 and very cute...
Posted by peter choyce on Sat, 10 May 2008 06:03:00 PST

Is the strike over?

I read that in the New york times, Sunday I think.  Well?  There is still no work on the Central Casting line.  New york times sucks. I guess it will take a couple more weeks to get the...
Posted by peter choyce on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 07:25:00 PST

It’s the holiday season, and sadly Peter needs some assistance!

I'm sure many of you know that Peter Choyce was the victim of a violent crime yesterday.  While writing his memoirs in a wheelchair in front of his house, a passing car stopped and one of it...
Posted by peter choyce on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 01:00:00 PST

the rain brings the pain

Hey   You see SICKO?  that is my life right now.   i've done everything to stay out of the hospital.  I hate it there because they do not let you sleep.  Crazy noise constantl...
Posted by peter choyce on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 08:16:00 PST

Student management overrules administration, fights to keep me on Kxlu

For those of you who go WAY BACK with me, you will remember that I have had somewhat of a turbulent on air history.  Every couple of years, I SAY something that rattles someones feathers.  I...
Posted by peter choyce on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 12:45:00 PST

could use a FRIEND TODay!!

ya.  what's this MYSPACE supposed to be about anyway?   clicky on pix and sent witty COMMENTS?   We are young and free, to go anywhere, do anything.  The computer often LIMITS...
Posted by peter choyce on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 09:56:00 PST

that ol familiar feelin’

 Yes i do a good job of being positive. but I do I do I do I doda da da da da weeee oh   weeee oh! people are abandoning me left and right i'm tryin' to avoid falling into a pit a big b...
Posted by peter choyce on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 08:57:00 PST