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I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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Sort of grew up on both coasts.. back here on the east, hope to make it back west one of these days... I'd like to think I'm lively, a lot of Fun, (everyone says that)... straighforward, goofy, bold, strong, a little nuts ~ in the best way of course, truthful and all that and more... 'Smoky' remains one of my all time favorite compliments.There is nothing like having a favorite song in your head, cold wind kissing your face, gorgeous view ahead of you, as you barrel down a mountain with two sticks strapped to your feet. I have lots of passion about lots of things....I try not to take myself too seriously, bugs me when people do. I'm an active person, but not to extreme, I very much enjoy my evenings when I've got nothin and can sit on my couch and veg w/ tv. But as much as possible I like do things out of doors, hiking, skiing, camping, tooling around an interesting new town - any kind of exploring LOVE to travel, wish I did more. Love walking with my dog. She's the bomb. Love to go see live music. Love to dance. Get a big kick out of life most of the time....

My Interests

Music, Baking and Skiing are my top passions; Cooking, water skiing if I knew someone w/ a boat, discovering new things.. that encompasses a lot... People watching! Human behavior. That which we can't see.

I'd like to meet:

Interesting people, friends ... Anyone who sparkles...A quick note about 'friend requests' ... if you'd like to request one, and I don't know you, how about a note as to why you think we should be friends....


Yes please! Mostly in the alternative vein, but I listen to a wide variety. Ani Difranco, Tom Waits, Lyle Lovett, X, REM, Muse, Sublime, RHCP, Ramones, Elvis Costello, Pete Yorn, Cake, Foo Fighers, Killers, Amos Lee, Green Day, Matt Kearney, Interpol, The Fray, Joss Stone, Snow Patrol, Josh Joplin, James Hunter, John Eddie, Alexi Murdoch, Cahill, Entrain - to shake my booty to! Of course THE FIENDS, classical when in the mood - Bach, Rachmaninoff, classic Jazz - Stan Getz, Joao Gilberto - Much too many to list all, I'm impressed by people who do! Always love being introduced to new music ...


Not so much on the overly violent ones, although loved Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill, hated Reservoir Dogs.. can't watch much horror. A few favorites would be Shawshank Redemption, Almost Famous, Rear Window, Stand by Me, Bagdad Cafe, Benny & Joon, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Notorious, Fried Green Tomatoes, Sin City, Saving Grace, Princess Bride, Star Wars (most of em) Schindler's List, Love Actually, Like Water for Chocolate, Breakfast Club (I can admit that) the new Pride & Prejudice ... I CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHY SOME OF THESE BOXES ARE IN CAPS!?


Some. Six Feet Under was some of the best tv I've ever seen. Sex in the City too, so sad all done. Same w/ Alias... Grey's Anatomy, House, Jericho, Side Order of Life.. And I watch the weather channel.. or should I not admit that?


My latest fav ~ eat, pray, love; Five Quarters of the Orange, Cider House Rules, Lucifer's Hammer, The Bitch in the House, Memoirs of a Geisha (movie, not so good..)Secret Life of Bees, I Like sci fi... Dean Koontz...need to read more of the classics


Anyone who fights for the injustices in the world and everyone who makes it a more beautiful one.

My Blog

waiting for the sun to come up....

Yeah, so I've been retraining myself to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. And it's working. I almost never set my alarm anymore and am almost always awake before 6.  Always have been a mornin...
Posted by Bonnie on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 03:07:00 PST

Love to bake

It's what I do, or one of the things anyway.. it's a passion, it's my hobby. Making beautiful sweet treats.  I love it. I'm not even exactly sure what it is I love about it so much, other than th...
Posted by Bonnie on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 06:58:00 PST

Bonfire on the Beach 07

Why we hadn't brought to realization sooner that the beach could be just about the perfect venue for a party is a marvel.. but it has been realized and it was everything I'd hoped it'd be.... Won...
Posted by Bonnie on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:03:00 PST

'Diva Night' on the decks

Thankful that I have such a wonderful group of friends. Specifically my girlfriends.  I have the scent of many women on me right now, from many hugs, and a few, ok, quite a few kisses.  It w...
Posted by Bonnie on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 09:12:00 PST

the positive attributes of negative ions

I always forget exactly what it is about negative ions that is so good for you.. It's true tho, for me there is nothing like a walk on the beach to invigorate and revitalize.  My dog enjoyed it t...
Posted by Bonnie on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 06:27:00 PST

OMG - One of those days...

I had an almost near perfect day today skiing ... OMG!!! Best girlfriend and I went up for the day ... Warm(ish), lovely, good snow, groomed! SNOW (conincidently appropriate)  by the Red Hot...
Posted by Bonnie on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 04:33:00 PST

Mars and Venus

A string of recent uneventful events have left me feeling just a bit frustrated with the male species... oh, earthshattering - a woman being frustrated by men .... no, that never happens. Or the other...
Posted by Bonnie on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 05:59:00 PST

this little life

baking, baking, baking and baking... of a couple varieties ;)  So far this evening, a carrot cake, almond florentine bars, fudge, molasses spice cookies,  oatmeal raisin cookies, pecan sandi...
Posted by Bonnie on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 07:34:00 PST

I'm a number? ...

You Are 2: The HelperYou always put on a happy face and try to help those around you.You're incredibly empathetic and care about everyone you know.Able to see the good in others, you're thoughtful, wa...
Posted by Bonnie on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 05:51:00 PST

what is it really about dancing?....

Sure, it's fun, yes it's exercise, blow out the cobwebs of the day or week ... but what is it really about dancing to live music in particular that is so envigorating ~ so sexy ~ so exhilarating??? &n...
Posted by Bonnie on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 06:57:00 PST