Stephanie profile picture


About Me

I like Dave Matthews Band, The Red Sox, Art (Egyptian, Caravaggio & Bosch), Cooking, trying not to argue about politics, catching live music, recycling. Looking at houses online is an obsession. Organic food, The Farmers Market, New Orleans, buying various kitchen items that I have no space for, hoarding sock monkeys in various colors. My VW Eurovan. Work fulltime in marketing/software & part time at the River to maintain my cutting edge rock & roll image & for the free cd's.

farm aid08

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Dave Matthews, John Cusack, Stephen King, Mike Lowell, Anthony Bourdain, Paul Pierce

My Blog

things that make people write blogs

So I am driving to work the other day - and I am at a stoplight & from high-atop the driver's seat in my VW van - I see this silver car (Mazda Protege)  and the guy is trying (while the light...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 05:17:00 GMT