I'm very interested in journalism and the media [my major], I love chemistry [also my major]. I have a strong addiction to and for music, namely hip hop, R&B, soul music, jazz, reggae and classical. I love all sports, but hockey, football and wrestling are my favorite. I also love judo and tae kwon do and recently, I've been getting involved in mixed martial arts. I'm also interested in spending time with a good looking lady who is attractive and intelligent, and also highly motivated. If that sounds like you, then holla at me.Here's my team! The Nebraska Cornhuskers. It can be said by those who know me, that I love the Big Red more than living. It's prolly true. BIG RED, Always ready. Always steady. And we give it to whoever want it!!!There is no place like Nebraska Dear old Nebraska U. Where the girls are the fairest, The boys are the squarest, Of any old school that I knew. There is no place like Nebraska, Where they're all true blue. We'll all stick together, In all kinds of weather, For Dear old Nebraska U!
I'm pretty much willing to meet anyone, send me a message, maybe we can chat it up. I'm a pretty friendly person.I'd like to meet some of my idols like Muhammad Ali, and really would have liked to meet Malcolm X. I wouldn't mind meeting the President either, even though he's borderline retarded.PS I DO NOT WANT TO MEET ANY OF YOU NASTY PEOPLE WITH WEB CAMS. I DO NOT WANT TO GO TO ANY OF YOUR SITES NOR DO I WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU. PLEASE STOP SENDING ME FRIEND REQUESTS JUST SO I CAN CLICK TO YOUR PROFILE AND VISIT YOUR SITE, BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO GO TO YOUR SITE, NOR BE YOUR FRIEND. THANK YOU.
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I like a lot of movies, but namely anything Martial arts or Quentin Tarrentino. I'd REALLY like to meet him one day.
Anything with sports.
Don't really read a lot of books, but I read TONS of Newspapers. Specifically, Washington Post, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and China Daily. It's important to get some knowledge about what's going on in the world.
I really need to redo my heroes. I have many hereos that I've never met, like Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr., as well as Oprah. However, I need to put the hereos in my life down. It's pretty much what you expect. My father is my hero because of his extreme dedication to his work, and hopefully I can take that trait [eventually and especially now, cuz I need it.] Second is my mom, cuz how can she not be? In the world, there is no one on the planet that loves me as much as she does. And I don't think there's anyone on this planet who loves her as much as I do. But ultimately, my first hero is my older brother, Victor. He's pretty much everything I've wanted to be. Regardless of what has happened in his life, he's given more advice and given an example of what to do and not to do, and the mistakes he's made, I've been able to learn from. He's where I got my little bit of game from, and I've pretty much idolized him from day one. And I still do. That's my big brother, man. What can I say?