Christopher James Gordon, the former singer/guitarist of Brit Indie bands, The Heights and Sandboy.The English born Alternative singer/songwriter, now presents his first solo collection on CD entitled 'Before the Sunrise'. A romantic, passionate perspective of a dream world, captured in the haunting moment as Night and Day meet. A place where, for a fleeting moment, all things seem possible; and where both dreams and nightmares can be found co-existing side by side in mutual antagonism.'Before The Sunrise' was featured as 'Album of The Week' January 2007 on the Sarah Kerr afternoon Show on Pulse Rated Radio. Each day a different song from the album can be heard on Pulse, so feel free to vote for your favourite at Pulse Rated or let Sarah Kerr know which is your favourite song from 'Before The Sunrise' on her email
[email protected].
BEFORE THE SUNRISE and HIGHER THAN HIGH can be downloaded on iTunes and NAPSTER
Thirteen songs of an uncompromising razor sharp fusion of acoustic balladry and electric nightmare visions. Blending the electric rawness of early U2 and the moonwalking space sound of The Police with the acoustic dreamlike balladry of Nick Drake; and all set alight with the flaming torch of early 70's Stevie Wonder. Welcome to the blazing madness of an Alternative world of Emo-ballads.2007 promises live outings, playing across Europe and the USA.
The 'Before The Sunrise' album cover was photographed on the English south coast. Chris survived the incoming tide, but almost lost his guitar to the waves. Each and every song on the album written as if set to the soundtrack of a James Bond movie.