Just Me... profile picture

Just Me...

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you cannot change. Kiss slowly, play hard, love deeply, forgive quickly, take chances, give everything, and have no regrets. Life is too short to be anything but HAPPY.

~ Sat, Chit, Ananda ~
~ Being, Knowledge, Bliss ~

The divine manifestation is ubiquitous,
Only our eyes are not open to it. . . .
Awe is what moves us forward. . . .
Live from your own center. . . .
The divine lives within you.
The separateness apparent in the world is secondary.
Beyond the world of opposites is an unseen,
but experienced, unity and identity in us all.
Today the planet is the only proper “in group.”
Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world.
We cannot cure the world of sorrows,
but we can choose to live in joy.
You must return with the bliss and integrate it.
The return is seeing the radiance is everywhere.
The world is a match for us.
We are a match for the world.
The spirit is the bouquet of nature. . . .
Sanctify the place you are in.
Follow your bliss. . . .
~ Joseph Campbell ~

I am The World

Completion, Good Reward. The World is the final card of the Major Arcana, and as such represents saturnian energies, time, and completion. The World card pictures a dancer in a Yoni (sometimes made of laurel leaves). The Yoni symbolizes the great Mother, the cervix through which everything is born, and also the doorway to the next life after death. It is indicative of a complete circle. Everything is finally coming together, successfully and at last. You will get that Ph.D. you've been working for years to complete, graduate at long last, marry after a long engagement, or finish that huge project. This card is not for little ends, but for big ones, important ones, ones that come with well earned cheers and acknowledgments. Your hard work, knowledge, wisdom, patience, etc, will absolutely pay-off; you've done everything right.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Every moment that we are together I am learning something and that knowledge becomes a permanent part of me. Though my feelings will be different a year from now, or ten years from now, part of that difference is you.
Because of you I am a different person and the person that I will grow to become, with or without you by my side, will have gotten there partly because of you. If you had not come into my life I would not be who I am right now; nor would I be growing in exactly the same way.
Much of what I grow toward and change within myself has to do with what I respond to in you, what I learn from you, what I understand about myself through you, and what I learn about my feelings in the dynamics of our relationship.
I do not worry about our future together, because we have already touched and affected each other's lives on so many different levels that one can never be totally removed from the other's thoughts.
A part of me will always be you and a part of you will always be me. That much is certain, no matter what else may happen...

Nothing is right when your focus is wrong.


Having some ftp problems so updates may be a little while still...
but I finally got my site reregistered & reposted.
I am so happy; I haven't had this site since 2002!

Theft By Deception - Deciphering The Federal Income Tax is a great video that explores the tax code and explains how most Americans are not liable to pay the federal income tax. This very informative video walks you step-by-step through the intricacies of the tax code, which has been intentionally revised to mislead Americans into paying this nefarious tax!

If you pay the Federal Income Tax then I highly suggest watching this video.

run time 1 hour, 27 minutes, and 51 seconds

In case you aren't aware; Thursday (9/28/06) the United States Senate voted to end our Constitutional Based Federal Republic and transform OUR country (the united States of America) into a "Leader-State" , giving the president and his agents the power to capture, torture and imprison forever anyone - American citizens included - whom they arbitrarily decide is an "enemy combatant" . This also includes those who merely give "terrorism" some kind of "support," defined so vaguely that many experts say it could encompass legal advice, innocent gifts to charities or even political opposition to US government policy within its draconian structures.

Olbermann on the Murder of Habeus Corpus

for those that can't see the video, here's the link:


for those that can't see the video, here's the link:

The Mass Consciousness Project

If one can't be responsible for the intent and use of their words or ideas then they should not have an open opinion...

Pocketful of Eisenstein

You are what you love,
not what loves you...

Love is not selfish and it involves everything that one enjoys in life.
Love is not something that you can stop from happening, it's not something that you can make someone else feel, it's not something someone else can make you not feel if you do, and it lasts forever.

Live in the here and now;
not in the yesterdays and tomorrows...
It is only today that we can handle.
Yesterday is gone
and tomorrow may never come...

We have to live in the now; without now we are corrupted.
If we are unable to experience now, then we are corrupted because we are looking for another now, which is impossible... If we do that then there can only be past or future...

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:

Her Royal Highness Stormy the Functional of New Invention
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Birthdate: January 7th

I am an island. I don't need anyone else to make me happy. And though I see myself as a loner, people are drawn to me. Deep and sensitive, I tend to impress others with my insights. I also tend to be psychic - so I listen to that inner voice!

My strength: Self sufficiency

My weakness: Despise authority

My power color: Maroon

My power symbol: Hammer

My power month: July

Sun Sign: Capricorn
(our sun sign shows our general personality traits)
Sun 16° Capricorn 07'
Element: Earth
Key Planet: Saturn
The sure-footed Mountain Goat can climb to higher altitudes than any other mammal. And you sure-footed Capricorns are also well-suited for climbing. You set high goals for yourself and then you overcome whatever obstacles may appear between you and the top of your personal mountain. As you climb the ladder of success, your ambition pushes you forward. Status can be important to you and often, at the top of your game, you gain personal satisfaction by knowing that others respect you for what you have accomplished.
Motto: "If opportunity doesn't knock, then build a door."
Greatest Strength: Your ability to overcome obstacles
Possible Weakness: Too much work and not enough play
Moon Sign: Pisces
(our moon sign shows our inner feelings and emotional personality)
Moon 22° Pisces 07'
The Moon in Pisces is like having an emotional antenna that picks up every radio station in the universe. Feelings flood in from all directions, sometimes filling you with delight, sometimes with panic. Learning that all you feel is not yours can be an enormous relief because it reduces the emotional load you have to carry. You are not responsible for everything that you feel. Yet this openness also makes you compassionate and imaginative, openly receptive to others and their needs. Knowing when to pull back, though, is essential to your well-being since you absorb so much of what's going on around you.
Motto: "I can feel your pain,"
Greatest Strength: Boundless empathy and imagination
Possible Weakness: Being overly sensitive
Rising Sign: Libra
(our rising sign shows how others perceive us and our personality)
Ascendant 26° Libra 26'
Libra Rising is a sign of social skill, charm and grace. You approach the world with a distinct sense of harmony, seeking to create an environment in which others feel welcome. Your manner is likely to be quite attractive with a natural sense of style. You often put others first, setting aside own needs until theirs are met. While this is a delightful habit that most people appreciate, it can make it harder to stand up for yourself. Battling for others, for justice and fairness comes easily, but fighting for your own interests may be more difficult for you.
Motto: "Is everybody happy?"
Greatest Strength: Bringing harmony to your environment
Possible Weakness: Unwillingness to deal with confrontation
Chinese Sign: The Virtuous Rabbit/Cat
(our chinese sign represents our disposition)
The reserved Rabbit is very intelligent, intuitive and in touch with nature. Generous by definition, Rabbits can also be afraid of their own power. People trust them easily and admire them, but Rabbits themselves are cautious and discreet. Everywhere they go they create peace for others … but compromise their own inner harmony with sudden mood changes and fear. Rabbits are full of heart and love to take care of the wounded body, heart and soul -- they are gentle and kind.
Mantra: Always prepared to help the world.

blog things

I'm 60% Boyish & 40% Girlish
I am pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch. Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But I do get along with both sexes. I reject traditional gender roles. However, I don't actively fight them. I Am Just Me. I don't try to be what people expect me to be.

What Weed Breed Are You?
Good For You! You're Crystal! You should be proud! You do the world a service; you get us all totally mongo'ed! You last longer than any of your competitors & have virtually no come down once you've left. You're inhabitants like to chill & they like to be with you... when you leave... we all miss you. You're Loved!
Take this quiz !

hmmm... What can I say about me....

Well, let's see... I am a recovering reclusive-homebody! I love my home and there is no place quite like it for me and I have quite literally spent years being at home...
However, on Saturday, 6/3/07, I started, what I have come to term, "my self imposed social boot camp". :) I decided to undertake this experience while my son was visiting his grandmother (every year before this one this would be time that I spent mostly alone) so, during his month and six days vacation this year, I went out and met all kinds of wonderful people, I got to know some friends better. I also got to meet, hangout, and get to know all of the members of Jon Crosby & The Resonator Band who are all awesome people and musicians, and if not careful, they'll be seeing a lot more of me, because i simply love listening to them play! :) I went camping and to parties, coffee shops, clubs, a movie, dinners, friends homes, to see live music, downtown Austin and even San Antonio. I started to learn to spin LED ball poi; I just got them Monday, 7/9/07, but in just 3 days i have found that I am not too bad with them! I guess the month of watching my friends do it helped me to gain some technique... :) All of these things would normally have been way out of my comfort zone, but because of "my self imposed social boot camp" I felt compelled to press forward and try to learn how to get out into the real world and be physically social. Strangely enough, I had a really good time and completely enjoyed myself and plan to stick with it! lol Go figure! Quite a success for me, I must say. So see, one can over come gripping social anxiety without taking pharmaceutical drugs. I am proof positive! :)

I like to read and love to learn! I am a free and independent thinker. I love to think about things from many different angles and I can often argue either side of an argument.

I don't typically dream at night, but I do wake up with solutions or answers to things that I have be turning over in my head for days! :)

I think that every moment is another chance to do better than you have done before!

I think that we influence every person that we come into contact with everyday; therefore, we should try our best to be kind to others!

I think that it's good to be honest with other people regarding faults, because if they don't know there's something wrong then they don't have the chance to fix it, if they want too.

hmmm... I am sure that there is a lot more to me, but that's all that I am typing for now .

Although, on second thought, here are some of my favorite quotes:

- Be the change that you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

- As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world —that is the myth of the atomic age— as in being able to remake ourselves. - Mahatma Gandhi

- Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred to talk.

- He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened. - Lao Tzu

- With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity. - Keshavan Nair

- When you come right down to it, all you have is your self. Your self is a sun with a thousand rays in your belly. The rest is nothing. - Pablo Picasso

- Sanity Is Not Statistical. - George Orwell

- In times of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. - George Orwell

- In times of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. - George Orwell

- All power is from within and is, therefore, under our control.

- There is only one truth, but there are many different mentalities, and what is obvious to some may seem obscure or unacceptable to others.

- The light of the truth can be very harsh to those who have been long in the dark...

- Only wars of self defense are just and in the case of an unjust war the individual is morally obligated to resist it and to lend no money to the government in support of it!

- None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. - Goethe

- Intolerance is proof of incomprehension.

Plato Quotes:

- Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.

- Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

- Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.

- No law or ordinance is mightier than understanding.

- One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. (personal favorite)

My Interests

Sun Sign: Capricorn
Sun 16° Capricorn 07' Capricorn Horoscope
for today »
Moon Sign: Pisces
Moon 22° Pisces 07' Pisces Horoscope
for today »
Rising Sign: Libra
Ascendant 26° Libra 26' Libra Horoscope
for today »
Chinese Sign: The Virtuous Rabbit/Cat
Get your own astro stats Powered by Tarot.com

I like:
- thinking
- reading
- sudoku (i'm addicted)
- playing on the computer
- being at home with my son
- taking walks and looking at rocks and nature
- and kickin' back and burnin' one....

I'd like to meet:

that's a fine question... and in all honesty, i don't think that i have an answer...
what makes one pure soul better than another?!?

~Please watch the video below.~
These guys did a stand up job!!
Pralay, 'When you're coming home'


I listen to just about all types of music, although not too much rap.

I like:
- Blue October
- Pink Floyd
- Sigur Ros
- Jon Crosby & The Resonator Band
- Mazzy Star
- Pixies
- GooGoo Dolls
- Woodie Guthrie
- Phil Ochs
- The Beatles
- Glenn Miller
- Artie Shaw
- The Andrews Sisters
- James
- Front 242
- Keane
- Gary Jules
- Jeffrey Gaines
- Coldplay
- Neil Diamond
- James Taylor
- Jim Croce
- Metallica
- Violent Femmes
- Tori Amos
- Howie Day
- Michael Stotts
- Tracy Chapman
- Avril Lavigne
- Cher
- The Eagles
- The Cure

... man there are just too many great artist to think of and list here... i do listen to classical and country, but i am not listing out anymore :)


In no certain order and i am sure there are others that i am not recalling at this moment:
- V For Vendetta (was so inspiring that it almost made me cry)
- America: Freedom To Fascism
- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
- Donnie Darko
- Breakfast At Tiffany's
- My Fair Lady
- Vanilla Sky
- Twice Upon A Yesterday
- Dr Stranglove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
- Go
- The Lord of the Rings Trilogy,
- The Princess Bride
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- The Never Ending Story (only the first)
- Grease
- Star Gate
- Friday
- Airplane
- Contact
- Romeo & Juliette (The Original)
- P.S. I Love You
- Matrix
- Hacker's
- Space Balls
- Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle
- Super Troopers
- Bill Cosby Live
- Tron
- and Star Trek Movies...


Can't miss, "LOST" & "The Big Bang Theory"
Man, I love those shows!!!


almost anything non-fiction
(although, what do we really know to be truth?!?!)

I love reading science (physics, astronomy, & archeology kinda top the chart), I subscribe to Scientific American (great stuff, man!).
- Anything written by Kurt Vonnegut
- 1984 by George Orwell
(loved it and like i said before, who's to say if that's really fiction, because i swear to ya'll that they wrote about time-warner in there!)

- The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

- Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
(great book!)

- Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda

- The Road To Shambhala by Chögyam Trungpa
(phenomenal spiritual book!)

- The Tao Of Pooh
The Te Of Piglet by Benjamin Hoff

- Finger Prints Of The Gods

i have read a lot of great things and making lists is so very hard for me...

My Blog

ugh! you have to be kidding!!!

ugh!  so, i must be pms'ing and hugely hormonal or something, because i just watched that movie "p.s. i love you" and cried about 75% of the damn thing!  what the hell is up with that?! ...
Posted by Just Me... on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 09:03:00 PST

Toothpaste & Water

This morning I read an inquiry from a friend as to why most toothpastes seem to have a "Warning: do not swallow" label on them.  Of course I know that it's because the toothpaste contain fluoride...
Posted by Just Me... on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 06:05:00 PST

the best hope for the future of our country

man, a man with principles sure makes me wet! :)I swear that I think this man is the best hope for the future of our country!"We have drifted so far from our Constitution...  The Constitution wa...
Posted by Just Me... on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 09:44:00 PST


so, i am wondering... what's the view on recording one's-self while masturbating and then masturbating again to its playback?  :) lol  like, do porn stars have sex while watching their own p...
Posted by Just Me... on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 08:52:00 PST

The movie version of George Orwells book, "Nineteen Eighty-Four"

The movie version of George Orwell's book, "Nineteen Eighty-Four"This is the whole movie. ...
Posted by Just Me... on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 06:50:00 PST

AT&T gave feds access to all web, phone traffic, ex-tech says...

AT&T gave feds access to all Web, phone traffic, ex-tech says By Ellen NakashimaThe Washington Post WASHINGTON  His first inkling that something was amiss came in summe...
Posted by Just Me... on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 03:49:00 PST

Hard-Wired Keystroke Loggers Being Installed on New Laptops...

I came across this article and found it very disturbing... does anyone out there know any information on this?GOVERNMENT AND COMPUTER MANUFACTURERS CAUGHT INSTALLING HARD-WIRED KEYSTROKE LOGGERS INTO ...
Posted by Just Me... on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 06:20:00 PST

VAST - videos from their 10/27/07 Cactus Cafe show

http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.showvids&a mp;friendID=36696348&n=36696348&MyToken=dfde871e-46b 2-424c-8f33-69a10151919eThese are the videos, that i took with my new camera, of...
Posted by Just Me... on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 11:52:00 PST

out of order

not sure howit's all out of orderi want so much moresimple beautyloving easenatural contentall in orderdrawn as one
Posted by Just Me... on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 07:24:00 PST

Thousands of monks masacred - news 10/1/07

Daily Mail: Burma: Thousands dead in the massacre of the monks dumped into the jungleMon 1 Oct 2007 Filed under: News, Inside BurmaOriginal Article Link: http://www.burmanet.org/news/2007/10/01/d...
Posted by Just Me... on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 06:52:00 PST