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About Me

About me:
ThE NaMeS SpEaKs FoR ItSeLf. I Am A cHiLd Of gOd AnD WiLL nOt bE dEnIeD tHe KiNgDoM oF hEaVeN. A mEmBeR oF tHe ViSiOn FoR SoUlS FaMiLy WoRsHiP cEnTeR WwW.ViSiOnFoRsOuL.CoM......................................
| View Show | Create Your OwnA ArMoUrBeArEr FoR tHe AnNoInTeD wOmEn & mY sPiRtuAl mOtHeR oF gOd EvAnGaLiSt:TaNgElA BRyAnT BrOoKs Of tHe: ViSiOn FoR SoUls EvAnGeLiStIc MiNiStRiEs......................................I aM A ViDeOgRaPhEr FoR NvIsIoN vIdEo PrOdUcTiOnS (NvIsIoNvIdEo.CoM) & aTtEnDiNg ChAtT tEcH MaJoRiNg In aRtS eNtErTaInMeNt..nOt tRyIn to tHe nExT hYpE WiLLiAmS oR bEnNy bOoM..BeTtEr..sO lOoK oUt fOr mE iN ThE fuTuRe..c.O.g.vIdEo pRoDuCtIoNs..aLsO lOoK oUt FoR a dVd RePpIn aTl cOmInG [email protected].........................

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JeSuS, HiS FaThEr,My ChIlDrEn,FoOtBaLL, BoWlInG.... My PaSsIoN Is ViDeOgRaPhY. NoT PoRnS Or NoThInG LiKe DaT. My PlAnS ArE To StArT My CoMpAnY In ThE NeXt 6 MoNtHs BlOw Up In ThE ArTs EnTeRtAiNmEnT FiElD.... So Be LoOkInG FoR Me...
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PeOpLe ThAt ArE AbOuT ThEy BuSsInEsS. No TiMe FoR GaMeS. No ReLaTiOnShIpS. No CyBeR BuDdIeS. JuSt GoOd ClEaN ChAtTiNg AnD NeTwOrKiNg. PeOpLe ThAt LoVe GoD As MuCh I Do Or MoRe...ThEsE arE tHe pEoPlE i ReAlLy wAnT tO mEeT:
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JoHn SiNglEtOn, BeNnY bOoM (gOrIlLa FlIxS), HypE wIlLiAmS (BiG dOg FiLmS), F.gArY GrAy dAvE mYers, fRaNcIs LaWrEnCe, mArK kAsFeLd, LiTtLe X, ChRiS RoBiNsOn, PaUl HuNtEr AlL dA ProDuCeRs aNd dIrEcToRs dOiN iT biG aNd wIlLiNg tO hElP oUt tHe LiTtLe mAn tRyInG tO mAkE iT... sO iF yOu gOt CoNnEcTiOnS tO tHeM hOlLa At mE


JuAnItA ByNuMs, DoNnIe McKlUrKiN, KiRk FrAnKlIn, RuN DmC, RaKiM, LlCoOlJ,ThE OlD MoB DeEp ( ThEy SuCk Now, ThEy SoLd ThEy SoUl To 50), LoSt BoYs, NaS, cAn yOu TeLl I'm FrOm QuEeNs YeT?
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BaCk 2 ThE FuTuRe SeRiEs, A MaN ApArT, BaIt, GhOsT... WiLl AdD MoRe As I ThInK Of ThEmYour results:
You are Superman Superman 100% Spider-Man 100% The Flash 100% Green Lantern 80% Supergirl 70% Wonder Woman 70% Hulk 60% Catwoman 60% Iron Man 60% Batman 55% Robin 40% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz


CsI,PrIsOn bReAk,TbN,FaMiLy GuY,ThE SiMpSoNs,ZaCk & CoDi (WaTcH wItH mY LiL PrInCeSs), ThE pRoUd fAmIlY, o.k I LoVe cArToOnS..SuE mE


ThE BaTtLe PlAn By GeOrGe BlOoMeR, gOdS aRmOrBeArEr bY tErRy nAnCe
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JeSuS, DaViD, PeTeR, AnD AlL ThE TrUe DeCiPlEs, Oh YeA StEwIe (FrOm FaMiLy GuY) LOL...mY gRaNdPaReNtS cUs BeLiEvE mE i hAd pRaYiNg gRaNdMoThErS..tHe wOrLd iS A sAfEr pLaCe nOw.

My Blog


"People who backslide give up and those who give up cannot be helped. It's easy to backslide when you can blame someone else for what happened to you. Maybe the pastor fell into sin and broke your tru...
Posted by SURGERY DAY. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 02:22:00 PST


BEFORE READING PLEASE PRESS PLAY   Get music codes at Bolt.   BOOTYCALL APPLICATIONName___________________Age____Phone(____)________ __Occupation________________________________Do you live w...
Posted by SURGERY DAY. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 11:09:00 PST

cheaters and how to regain trust

so you cheated on ya spouse or br/gf and you either got caught or you made the decission to tell what you did wrong... no matter how the situation played out it should have never happened but it did r...
Posted by SURGERY DAY. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 12:22:00 PST