Kat Lopes profile picture

Kat Lopes

I'm like a bird

About Me

I'm 23 years old and myself is free more than never, and nothing could put me down and it's good.I'm a artistic girl with music in my spirit, in my breath, in ever step that I make, and I want share this feeling with everyone. I'm feel blessed by God with the power of see just the good things and try to make the bad things better. One day I know that all my talents will be appreciated! I have a very funny personality. And I'm fall in love for the LIFE! real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools

Nelly - Party People (feat. Fergie)

My Interests

Popmusic, rock, movies, everything about spiritualism and dance.

I'd like to meet:

Friends with a positive personality, that loves the life. Everyone that loves the Backstreet Boys and the pop music artists like me. Who love to dance, to sing and to get fun! Everyone who wants a better world to live!Bed Of Roses
Backstreet Boys - Everbody
Satisfaction/Oops!...I Did It Again


Backstreet Boys (the biggest boy band of the world), Britney Spears, Guns n' roses and 'Nsync


Titanic, Gladiator, Mortal Kombat, A walk to remenber, Dirty Dance, Center Stage, Flashdance and The Kindom of Heaven. Actors: Leonardo Dicaprio, Orlando Bloom, Brad Pitt... Actress:Kate Winslet


Friends, Lost and 24 hours


The Secret


The Knights of Zodiac

My Blog

My Favorite Louise Labe’s Poem

Sonnet XIV - As Long As Tears As long as tears can well up in my eyesI'm saddened that our nights are marked by pain.And now my voice expresses once againA  plaintive melody I've improvised.As lo...
Posted by Kat Lopes on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 07:10:00 PST

I wanna be a star!

Hi I'm Kat Lopes and I'm here to write about my life's dream: "BE A STAR". A really music star! So you should  think now,"great new!How many people in this world don't wanted it?". I know that, b...
Posted by Kat Lopes on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 07:24:00 PST