Loney John profile picture

Loney John

Whoomp D'ere It Is VS Who Let the Dogs Out?

About Me

Concerned about this information age we live in. Please sign this petition: Media MattersIM me: Lonthaniel (aim)

My Interests

Music, film, scrabble, arts n farts n crafts, hair brained get rich quick schemes, meeting people I have things in common with and also people I have nothing in common with, pretending

I'd like to meet:

Jerry Reed on a pontoon boat.


Yazz Flute, Sango Music, Chamber Pop, Stereolab, Stereo Total, Dylan, The Band, Cibo Matto, Money Mark, Oscar Peterson, Art Blakey, Herbie Hancock, Eric Burdon/Animals, Jerry Reed, Komeda, The Aluminum Group, The Rich and Diverse Independent Music of Middle TN that is so good right now you really should consider checking it out if you haven't already... J.J. Cale, Declan MacManus, High Llamas, Bowie, Roxy Music... this could take hours.. okay guilty pleasures: thin lizzy, herb alpert, george michael, guns and roses, umm tiny tim? sure...


that old train leaving the station, all things Altman, documentaries, bad student film, Wet Hot American Summer, Brain Candy, 2001 a Space Odyssey, Waiting for Guffman, Being John Malkovich, Bande a part, Lonestar, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, The Graduate, Gummo, River's Edge, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, UHF, The Falcon and the Snowman, The Pillow Book, Boogie Nights, Where's Papa?, Rosemary's Baby, Harold and Maude (Ruth Gordon rules), Talk Radio, Safe, Daytrippers, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Jackie Brown, Orlando (hmm maybe anything with Tilda Swinton), Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Ordinary People, The Muppet Movie, Flirting With Disaster, Borat The Movie, Rock and Roll Nightmare, Death Drug, The Yahoo Serious snuff film, damn it all kinds of movies.......


IF it's on- cartoons, "It's time for the news hourrrrrrrrrrr WITH JIM LEHRER!" (sung to trumpeted theme music), local commercials, Arrested Development (rip), I got rid of my cable during the invasion of Iraq because I'm kind of a news junkie and the 24hour news was driving me up a wall, can I hang out and watch your cable? I'll bring popcorn... or better


ambush bug comics, biographies, wacky meandering fiction with socially and emotionally relevant weight underneath (i.e. tom robbins), kyle baker's "plastic man", currently on my bedside table: pale fire, reading lolita in tehran (no connection to pale fire), big ass byzantium empire 3 book set, why i hate saturn, nintendo ds tetris


my friends and family, the yes men, steven colbert, green lantern (any sector)

My Blog

Screw "indie rock"! Join the military!

New recruiting ad<
Posted by Loney John on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 01:01:00 PST

Macy’s Gift Card

So... this past Xmas, my mother gives me a $100 dollar gift card to Macy's. About a month and a half after Xmas, I go to the Macy's at Greenhills and buy a lot of underwear, socks, and maybe a plain t...
Posted by Loney John on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 10:08:00 PST

Who is mad at the Supreme Court???

I am. Social inequality is alive and well in this country and the fact that these men could look at the issue with such a seemingly mentally handicapped, simplistic perspective is very very infuriatin...
Posted by Loney John on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 11:47:00 PST

the dating site "cams" on sign out

Okay... I've posted a bulletin before but now it's become such an extensive part of the myspace "experience" that I feel compelled to post a blog. You know those people they show on a simulated web ca...
Posted by Loney John on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 07:30:00 PST

My first show! Name ideas?

So I'm playing my first show tomorrow night at the Springwater Supper Club. I sent out a bulletin asking if anyone had any good band names since my own name isn't very original anymore (see a pre...
Posted by Loney John on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 10:22:00 PST

Top 10 reasons why Chelsea Jane is SO pretty.

get your barf bag ready10. She calls the police when she's had enough of a big plate of pancakes9. She bathes in the blood of baby chicks8. She forgot to borrow my Blood Countess book7. I should proba...
Posted by Loney John on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 09:37:00 PST

Loney, Dear "I Am John"

Okay... Just when I was thinking it was weird enough that another music artist widely released is using a moniker with my name which, I think is rather obscure, the first track on the album is titled ...
Posted by Loney John on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 05:17:00 PST

the lonely vote "YES" sign

For the past month, I have witnessed the lonely little 'vote "yes" on amendment one' sign posted on the curb of an abandoned gas station from the 46th st offramp from I40. On too many occasions I have...
Posted by Loney John on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 03:29:00 PST

Wedding In Santa Rosa

i'm not sure how many of my nashville friends this would interest but i have felt the need to write a detailed journal of my trip to the west coast about three weeks back so i...
Posted by Loney John on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 05:39:00 PST

West end patriots

Well well well... It was a fun afternoon between 21st and Vandy off West End. The commander -in-chief flew his $100,000 of tax payer dollars airplane to Nashville to get a bunch of money from yes-peop...
Posted by Loney John on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 12:07:00 PST