Kocment profile picture


... już nie bede kochanie ...

About Me

Kocment is a neo visual/industrial group of freemind and nude performers; Turnalski , Pitoslav , S. ChcÄ™ and stuff ..."Palace of Culture (Russian: dvorets kultury) or House of Culture (dom kultury) was the name for major club-houses in the former Soviet Union and the rest of the Eastern bloc. The Soviet meaning for the term "club" was an establishment for all kinds of recreational activities and hobbies: sports, collecting, arts, etc., and the Palace of Culture was designed to have room for all kinds of them. A typical Palace contained one or several cinema halls, concert hall(s), dance studios (folk dance, ballet, ballroom dance), various do-it-yourself hobby groups, amateur radio groups, amateur theatre studios, amateur musical studios and bands, lectoriums (lecture halls), and many more. Groups were also subdivided by age of participants, from children to retirees. A public library may sometimes have been housed in the Palace of Culture as well. All these were supposed to aid "cultural leisure" of Soviet workers and children and to fight "cultureless leisure", such as drinking and hooliganism. All hobby groups were free of charge until most recent times, when many hobbies with less official recognition were housed basing on "self-repayment"."

My Interests


Member Since: 4/4/2008
Band Website: lubiebiegacnagoporzezni.com
Band Members: Ryszard Rybur , Pitoslav , Stanisława Chcę Jebała , Ludmiła Wykręt - wózki widłowe, spalinowe, mechaniczne i inne.
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes
Myspace Generators
Myspace Backgrounds
Sounds Like: Witam Cie, skarbie. To było dawno temu, na imieninach Twojej cioci Grażynki, w Bytomiu. Byłaś jeszcze wtedy takim małym szkrabem - pewnie mnie nie pamiętasz... Moje cialo w odcinku dolnym ekranizuje od promieniowania żył i cieków wodnych wywołujących anomalia geopatyczne Cinal, Kael i jego brat i Kargol w lipcu 2001 wyjechali do Angli ; dwa lata pózniej Cinal, Kael i jego brat wyjechali do Anglii. Przemysł gumowy oraz okładzin ciernych wypełniacz wyrobów utwardzonych i stosowanych w rentgenotechnice. "... i znowu mam ochote sie napić. I jesli mi dziwne po głowie myśli chodzą, to nie mam siły na Kocment.. a ty mi nie pisz, bo i tak mnie nie czaisz. "
Record Label: Kocment & Cinal
Type of Label: Major