&hearts Beth bat Adonai &hearts profile picture

&hearts Beth bat Adonai &hearts

A woman who fears the Lord†

About Me

It isn't about me - it's all about G-D.I am striving to be an ...or Woman of Valor
* Esa Einai el he harim * meayin yavo esri * Esri meim Hashem * Ose shamayim v'eretz * "I lift up my eyes to the mountains, where does my help come from? My help comes from Hashem (G-d), Creator of heaven and earth"..
Get a Jerusalem ClockHebrews 11:25 "choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of G-D than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a time" Aaronic Benediction: Ye'varechecha Adonai v'yishmerecha: Ya'er Adonai panav eleicha vihuneca: Yisah Adonai panav eleicha v'yasem l'cha shalom - Numbers 6:24-26First and foremost, I am a Messianic Israelite saved and delivered by Messiah Yeshua's (Jesus') atoning blood sacrifice. I celebrate G-D's commanded festivals/feasts as stated in His Word (Rosh Hashanah, Passover, Yom Kippur, etc.). I have been told that I am intelligent, optimistic, witty, passionate, energetic, creative, loving, affectionate, down-to-earth, honest, loyal, & I most definitely love my Savior, Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah)! I am only all these things because the L-rd has blessed me and considered me worthy enough to possess these qualities! I don't just do things, I do them with PASSION and give 100% of myself when I do! ~I would like to take as many people to heaven with me as I can!! G-D has delivered me from the miry pits of sexual addiction and many other self-destructive behaviors & set my feet upon solid ground! Every day I live & breathe my goal is to live my life in a manner pleasing to HaShem Almighty & be worthy enough to be called an Eyshet Chayil...a "Woman of Valor". I am striving daily to be the woman of G-D He's created me to be, & that includes getting in shape physically! I have already dropped 35 pounds as of February 2008 & am still going strong! I am letting G-D mold me into the Proverbs 31 woman He's intended me to be. G-D is my Alef & Tav and at the heart of all I do & say!*I am a VERY strong and staunch supporter of our military troops and veterans and am proud to be betrothed to an awesome US army veteran who served during the Gulf War, so if you do not support nor have any respect for those fighting for your freedom and the freedom of people who need liberation from the hands of terrorists who would not hesitate to cut your head off or blow you to smithereens, please do not request to be my friend nor try to argue with me about US military involvement here or abroad. My betrothed was almost killed fighting for your freedom and lost several good friends who fought for your freedom as well, so if you cannot respect them for their service, as far as I am concerned, you do not deserve the freedom they fought (and are still fighting) for! G-D BLESS OUR AMERICAN MILITARY SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN!!!!*Galatians 2:20~I have been crucified with Yeshua, and I live; yet no longer I, but Yeshua lives in me. And that life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith toward the Son of G-D, who loved me and gave Himself on my behalf. Scattered by G-d's almighty hand, Afflicted & forlorn, Sad wanderers from their pleasant Land, Do Judah's children mourn; And e'en in Christian countries, few, Breathe thoughts of pity for the Jew. Yet listen, Gentile, do you love The Bible's precious page? Then let your heart with kindness move To Israel's heritage; Who traced those lines of love for you? Each sacred writer was a Jew. And then as years & ages passed, & nations rose & fell, Though clouds & darkness oft were cast O'er captive Israel-The oracles of G-d for you- Were kept in safety by the Jew. And when the great Redeemer came-For guilty man to bleed, He did not take an angel's name No, born of Abraham's seed, Yeshua, who gave His life for you-The gentle Savior was a Jew. And though His own received Him not, & turned in pride away, Whence is the Gentile's happier lot? Are you more just than they? No! G-d in pity turned to you-Have you no pity for the Jew? Go, then, & bend your knee to pray-For Israel's ancient race; Ask the dear Savior every day-To call them by His grace, Go, for a debt of love is due-From Christian Gentiles to the Jew.~Author Unknown~ Click on this button to learn more about the Jewish roots of your faith! ~Shalom!~

My Interests

CURRENT MOON about the moon Mizmor(Psalm) 104:19 "He made the moon for appointed times; The sun knows it's going down." Isaiah 66:23 "And it shall be that from New Moon to New Moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before Me, says the Lord."Click the above picture to find out more about the Jewish roots of your faith!
Click to join Sar_Shalom_Messianic_Singles_Fellowship If you are a Jewish or Gentile Messianic single or single-again believer and long for some great fellowship, please click the link above and join this new group!I enjoy prayer , the Word of G-D, attending Sabbath services, praise/worship, listening to all types of music that glorifies G-D, learning about the Torah and the truth of Scripture, singing, writing poetry, amateur photography, cooking, fishing, camping, hiking, talking, family functions, gardening, amusement parks/thrill rides, flea markets, sailing, car shows/cruises, boating, furniture & antique restoration, exercising, healthy/low carb/low glycemic cooking, holistic/natural medicine, & too many other interests to list! I also am enjoying learning how to speak and write Hebrew!Please watch the above video! Dr. Michael L. Brown in question and answer form answers Jewish objections to Jesus in "Is Y'shua(Jesus) the Jewish Messiah?"

How messianic are you?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Yeshua Ha'Meshiach rules! I'm totally messianic!

You lean strongly toward the messianic faith. Whether gentile or Jew, you acknowledge Jesus (Yeshua) as the promised messiah. You are probably uncomfortable in Christian churches because they engage in replacement theology, but you are not completely comfortable in Jewish synagogues because they do not acknowledge the messiahship of Yeshua. You are part of an elite minority, but may often face rejection from both Christians and Jews.

Yeshua Ha'Meshiach rules! I'm totally messianic!


Observant Jew, non-messianic


Jesus, not Yeshua, all the way! I'm a Christian, baby!

What Book of the Bible Are You?
brought to you by QuizillaYeah, I took my own quiz(LOL!) and got these results: You are the book of 2 Timothy. Firm in your faith, you believe in making sure the veracity of the Word of G-D is adhered to and aren't afraid to "tell it like it is"! Others view you as strong-willed, and inclined to being opinionated, but they respect your vast array of knowledge and information, not only about the Bible, but life in general!
Lookup a word or passage in the Bible

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adopt your own virtual pet!The only kitty I can have since I am allergic to them! WAHHHH! But isn't she cute?!~LOL~

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I'd like to meet:

Though we have already been introduced through salvation, I can't wait to meet face to face:But here on this earth I would like to meet both men and women who love HaShem (G-d) for friendship, fellowship, and encouragement. I also wouldn't mind meeting up with those who can direct me in the music industry on how to get started...I sing and write and haven't the first clue on how to get anything off the ground!


~I listen to anything that brings glory to and/or praises G-D! I enjoy Messianic and Gentile worship music tremendously and love just soaking in the presence of the Lord while all around heavenly praises ring out!!!! It is awesome to praise G-D thru music and song! Some favorites are: (in no particular order) Karen Davis, Chris Tomlin, Ted Pearce, Jesse Shuster, Paul Wilbur, Sar Shalom, Jerry Schroeder, 3.1(www.threepointone.org), Marty Goetz, Barry and Batya Segal, Lamb, Selah, MercyMe, Shawn McDonald, Lincoln Brewster, Delirious?, Kutless, Paul Baloche, Scott Wesley Brown, Jaci Velasquez, Michael W. Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman, Passion Band, Michael Card, and LOTS more!!!! For those of you who have asked, the music playing in my music video player below is from a Messianic worship album of various Messianic Jewish and Gentile artists recorded in Jerusalem titled "Adonai...The Power Of Worship From The Land of Israel". You can find it at this site: Messianic Music.com YAY! Below is the very first video I made! I hope you enjoy it! Bo, Ruach Elohim, u'male et nafshi * Hadrech otanu k'yeladim * Rak b'cha anu chafetzim * Anachnu mazminim otcha lavo * Baruch haba, Baruch haba *Come Spirit of G-d, fill our soul! We desire Your comfort and guidance! We invite You to come!


Not a movie buff, but I did like One Night With the King, Passion of The Christ, Waterproof, Dr. Doolittle, Con Air, Titanic, and Bruce Almighty and clean comedies (a merry heart doeth good like a medicine!). I prefer to watch Bible teaching DVD's/videos over movies, however.


I don't watch much televison at all...I don't even have cable! Most of what is on the TV is trash that I don't need to be filling up on! Most of my spare time is spent reading the Bible, writing, and listening to music that glorifies G-D! When I do watch TV it is mostly the local station here for the news and/or the weather.


THE HOLY BIBLE, Haddasah: One Night With the King


, G-D Abba Father, the Ruach Hakodesh(Holy Spirit), my beautiful precious daughter, and my mother!!! Oh, and I can't forget the USA and Israel's military service men and women!!!

&hearts Beth bat Adonai &hearts's Details:

Status:Being courted by the most wonderful man in the world! :o)
Here for:Friends/Networking
Orientation:Proudly Straight
Religion:Messianic Israelite
Children:Proud Parent of a Beautiful Daughter
Education:Trade/Technical School
Occupation:Nurse/Nurse Manager

My Blog

True Lemon, Lime and Orange

After viewing a report from the health dept. about finding e-coli, fecal material, and other putrid bacteria and germs on lemon slices served in restaurants, I found an awesome alternative! The produc...
Posted by &hearts Beth bat Adonai &hearts on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 06:28:00 PST

Who Has Taken Up Residence In Your Temple?

As I was praying with my betrothed James tonight, the Lord gave me another exhortation/word of knowledge I would like to share:"Are you not the Temple of the Living G-d? Is this not the place where My...
Posted by &hearts Beth bat Adonai &hearts on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 10:13:00 PST

Scriptural Reasons Why I Believe It IS God’s Will to Heal

I got a few negative replies about my previous post entitled "Is It God’s Will to Heal Us Every Time?" saying it is not necessarily G-d’s will to heal everyone all the time, so I wanted to...
Posted by &hearts Beth bat Adonai &hearts on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 03:51:00 PST

Is It God’s Will To Heal Us Every Time?!

I recently posted an urgent prayer request for healing for my mother who is terminally ill. I have received many replies and many prayers. I have received some email responses that stated that it may ...
Posted by &hearts Beth bat Adonai &hearts on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 03:47:00 PST

Is Worrying A Sin?

This was a cause of gentle debate between my betrothed (who I praise God for over and over again!) and I today as we were discussing scripture. I was of the impression that it was not a sin to worry -...
Posted by &hearts Beth bat Adonai &hearts on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 03:56:00 PST


All around me I see believers struggling....I see them suffering with physical and mental illness, depression, debt, broken relationships, unemployment, poverty, fear, worry, and problems of all kinds...
Posted by &hearts Beth bat Adonai &hearts on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 11:16:00 PST

What Kind of Heart Do YOU Have?

In this world of self-serving sin and debauchery, there are only two kinds of hearts a person can have: a heart that longs to obey, or a heart that longs to do it your own way. My purpose here, throug...
Posted by &hearts Beth bat Adonai &hearts on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 10:57:00 PST

Simchat Torah - What Is It and How Is It Relevant?!

This Saturday (Sabbath) was no ordinary Saturday! On this past seventh day, millions of people around the world began a one year reading cycle of the Bible. While most modern people read a verse or tw...
Posted by &hearts Beth bat Adonai &hearts on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 08:27:00 PST

Why Wait?!

There are no guarantees that, despite the depth of commitment made between you and your partner, the two of you will ultimately end up down the aisle. In Biblical days, sexual intercourse was what "se...
Posted by &hearts Beth bat Adonai &hearts on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 08:25:00 PST

How Can You Spot a True Prophet?

True Prophetsby Beth Santello 8/15/07Anyone can call themselves a prophet/prophetess, and there are those that do so because they have an inner need to be recognized and/or draw a following to gain a ...
Posted by &hearts Beth bat Adonai &hearts on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 11:16:00 PST