At the age of 5, Tiago started taking acoustic guitar lessons, but after a year he realized he truly wanted to play the electric guitar. After 10 years of hard study in several courses, he reached 14 hours a day of study, during 6 years.
Tiago played in bands like After Dark and Fermatha, both from Caxias do Sul- Brazil , his hometown. With the last one he recorded the CD entitled "Advent of the Truth". By the end of 2005 a video entitled "38 bps" was posted on the Internet. It caused such repercussion that the incredible mark of 2000 visitors a day was achieved! It gave him comments and proposals from around the world and also a lot of doubts about the veracity of his video due to his amazing velocity. In the year of 2006, he was to be on the Guinness Book as the "guitarist with the biggest number of strokes per second" and also passed the national selection made by BURNING IN HELL to become the band's . At which remained 2 years, starting his work of shred guitar. It was highlighted in magazines Yong guitar and Burn of Japan. These days, Tiago Della Vega is mentioned in almost every Discussion Forum for guitarists, national and internationally. His name is mentioned in web sites such as Steve Vai's , John Petrucci's , Malmsteen's...Is considered by much of the world criticises as guitarist faster on the planet. He also writes a column for one of the most respectable web sites of the SHRED technique, CHOPS FROM HELL ( and brazilian site Guitar mind -
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