Name's Dwizofoz. Performed heaps o times at heaps o places but i aint tryna ride my own nuts.... that's what you're here for! I founded Ozalians n Ghosty and myself had a pretty decent 4-5 year run but life throws curve balls n now he got his thing poppin with his new crew The Outfit n im now workin with the much underrated Plague of Offensive Linesmen on both my solo album and we got somethin happenin thats sure to fuck with a lot o people in 08!! Dark Horse on the rise bitches! Ive probly rapped for u or at u or a close loved one. Got a beautiful little girl n a fine as full grown one too!! Gettin down to the final stages of my album so that shit should be in ya burner soon....Brizzy Hiphop on tha Rise!!