Judge me & I will prove you wrong
Tell me what to do & I'll tell you off
Call me a bitch & I'll show you one
Fuck me over & you'll get it twice as bad
I may be crazy but I love it
I wish I could sleep for a thousand years.
I love vampires.
I'm like a train wreck-I'm just waiting to crash.
I wonder if anyone knows me as well as they think they do.
I love coffee with soy.
I wish there was a book with all the answers to life in it.
I wish I didn't worry so much all the time.
I'm more than you bargained for-I've been dying to tell you.
I wonder if I will ever make art and photography more than hobbies.
I am in love with music.
Concerts are my biggest weakness.
I am obsessed with Van Gogh and the painting starry night.
I have five tattoos plus my whole back done and I'm addicted.
I hate liars and backstabbers. I swear a lot.
I have a zoo. (8 rats,2 chihuahuas, 2 albino clawed frogs,1 axolotl, 3 wood shrimp and fish.)
I met my fiance on Myspace.
I collect guitar pics from bands I see.
I am in a love/hate relationship with everyone I know.
I won't bite my tongue for anyone.
I prefer to go barefoot but Converse and flip-flops rock my world.
My favorite words are clandestine, cretinoid and surreptitious.
I am a firm believer in the golden rule.
Mix cd's are the way to my heart.
I like to lay in bed and read.
Spiders and clowns scare the hell out of me.
I am a fairly optimistic person.
I used to drink to much now I don't drink at all.