Griffin profile picture


I hit L shift-O to the quote and then dollar. If you know the dir of the nerdcore rhyme, you holler.

About Me

..I'm too happy to be goth, I'm too squishy for punk, I'm too clean to be grunge, I'm too cool to be scene, I'm too much of a pain wuss to be emo (the whole cutting yourself thing), I'm too strait-edge to be a raver, and I'm to crooked to be strait-edge (I don't mind it when people smoke around me or drink in moderation). I'm too nice to be a thrasher, and I'm to angry to be a dancer. I'm too freaky to be a prep, and to neat to be a freak. Where does this leave me? I've got freak'n long blond hair, I can play the electric guitar, and I absolutely love me some head-banging. I am a rocker.
I'm a student at LCC, and I'm pretty big into Guildwars and Gaia Online. I play Magic: The Gathering and D&D. I'm currently trying to transfer into MSU or WMU (still looking around though) for the music programs. I'm hoping to major in music performance or education. I collect griffins, in any shape or form. I have part of the wall in my room dedicated to griffins, ranging from puppets to etched stone. I'm a physical person, so I unconciously do alot touching, hugging, snuggling, that kind of thing with people, its a big way I get comfort.
Music is my life, and I love my iPod. I would probably die without it, though not really. I play guitar, both accustic and electric, tuba, piano, trumpet, and a little bit of the hand drums, as well as singing bass in choirs. I also enjoy anime, but so far nothing really has grabbed my attention except FLCL, Big-O, and Kirara from Inyuasha. I enjoy drum circles during the new moon, and being outdoors. I love snow, and I love to play in it. I am deffinatly a meat eater, I just can't give up my burgers and steak.
I'm a big fan of giant group activities, like parties or concerts, or clubbing. I enjoy clubbing, but not if it gets too crowded. I've become a regular monday nights at Club Necto in Ann Arbor, which I enjoy greatly. I don't mind going to the mall, and I love to sit in the park and talk or play my guitar, or just sit and enjoy being outside. I'm a sucker for fluffy cats, and big dogs, and most other pets for that matter. I like to practice aikido and grappling when I get the chance, and I also enjoy the occasional game of back yard football.
If you are at LCC, you can usually find me in the Kennedy Caffe in the A&S building about noon and later, monday through thursday. And last, but deffinatly not least, I love it when people play with my hair. Braid it, brush it, rustle it up a bit, I love it all. Whenever people play with it, it makes me happy.

My Interests

Griffins, Music, M: tG, V: tM, D&D, movies, Guild Wars, Spawn, Marvel Nemisis, Celtic Folklore, Norse Mythology, CG Art

I'd like to meet:

oh...this is about the people we wanna meet on here? Er...Uh...yeah!I guess anyone, really. I'm open to whoever, so don't be shy. How else am I going to know to talk to you if you won't make yourself known to me first? Although, I get angered when people just randomly add me as a friend. Send me a message first, please. You can find me at:

AOL IM: JugernautGriffin
MSN IM: [email protected]

Feel free to IM me anytime, I'm always bored!!


Toy-Box, H.I.M., Bloodhound Gang, Gaelic Storm, Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphies, Rage Against the Machine, Tenacious D, Flight of the Conchords, Canadian Brass, Sentenced, Gregorian Chant, Bella Morte, Crüxshadows, The Sisters of Mercy, Korn, Paralysed Age, Marilyn Manson, Credence Clearwater Revival, Jimi Hendrix, Crosby, Stills and Nash, The Crystal Method, Trance Control, Custom, The Darkness, David Bowie, Deep Purple, Deftones, Def Leopard, Big Bad Voedoo Daddy, Audioslave, Alice Cooper, Aerosmith, Alanis Morissette, OPM, Our Lady Peace, Queen, Rancid, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Scorpians, Dio, ICP, Me First and the Gimmies, Hayseed Dixie, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Unwritten Law, ZZ Top


Moulin Rouge, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Labyrinth, Legends, The Dark Crystal, Lilo and Stitch, Queen of the Damned, Waynes World 1 & 2, Boondock Saints, Lock, Stock, and Two Smokeing Barrels, Clerks, Chaseing Amy, Mallrats, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Shaun of the Dead, Army of Darkness, Evil Dead, Serenity


I stopped watching tv a long while ago.


The Black Jewels trilogy, The Invisible Ring, Dreams Made Flesh, The Black Griffin trilogy, The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series, Tithe, Lenore, Angels and Demons, Spawn, The Last Rune series


Todd McFarlane, Jack Black

My Blog


So I've totally been on this Nerdcore kick lately, and I'm not sure why.  Maybe its my inner geek speaking out to me.  Maybe its that I play WoW on a 40 inch tv.  Maybe its because, in ...
Posted by Griffin on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 10:59:00 PST

We ride forth again...

So its official as of this morning, the fourth horseman, War, rides again.
Posted by Griffin on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 07:27:00 PST

As Told By Ginger

So in my insomniac (is that even a word?) ways, I was up at 6 this morning watch'n the picture box when I caught one of my most favorite shows ever on the rare occasions it actually airs:  As Tol...
Posted by Griffin on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 04:51:00 PST

Back in black!

Ok peoples, I'm back from Philly!  It was awsome!  Got to meet ash's friends morgan and evan, and they were both super cool.  Got to see some of the best wrestling I've ever seen IN MY ...
Posted by Griffin on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 03:01:00 PST

Back for now!

Well, Ash and I are officially back from Cali.  I have to say, the trip was amazing.  A big eye opener.  In fact, we're planning on moving back down there in early September.  Perm...
Posted by Griffin on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 02:41:00 PST

Ah! Sun! What is this!

Ah, bright and sunny California!  Its great here!  Not too hot, at all.  I'm loving it!  All one day i'm here!  And ash is die'n.  Poor thing started her time of the mont...
Posted by Griffin on Wed, 21 May 2008 09:52:00 PST


A'ite, I leave for cali tomorrow (today?)!  I will be back June first or so.  I'll see you all when I get back!  Remember, don't do anthing I wouldn't do!
Posted by Griffin on Mon, 19 May 2008 12:09:00 PST

California here I come!!

So yeah, I leave for California on monday.  I'm so excited!  Its going to be freak'n awsome!  I'll be gone for two weeks.  I cannot wait!  I get to see tama and Anie and more ...
Posted by Griffin on Fri, 16 May 2008 01:12:00 PST


So... lotsa new things happening recently. I got my tattoo coloured, and it looks amazing!  I’ll put picks up when its a lil more along on the healing thing, and its not peeling anymore. ...
Posted by Griffin on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 08:01:00 PST

Ink and more!

So I had my first session of my tattoo done.  About a half sleeve on my left arm, to give you a size estimate.  It looks amazing, Chris, from Fish Latter Tattoos did an amazing job (shameles...
Posted by Griffin on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 12:16:00 PST