mexicanese profile picture


do you believe in god

About Me

what's up people, my nombre es DANIERU...for you's mexican by birth & japanese in spirit..its like refried beans and sushi..or a shot of tequila with a sapporo chaser..i don't understand why so many people trip on the mexi-jap's not that hard to figure out other than that im just your normal guy..nothing to exciting..if you want to know more, just ask me..i'm not the shy the point..if you don't want to hear the truth, then don't as me the question..i have no time for a leo, i have a heart of gold..if i love you it will be with all my heart, but if i hate you, well, i'll leave it at that

My Interests

once again, i got bored with all the crap that was on this list before so i thought i would mix it up a little.... PRINCESS LITULEE, the shrimp place, FREEING THE WEST MEMPHIS THREE, the simpsons, sapporo bullet cans, my next trip to japan, two turntables and a microphone, tyree cooper, pot belly pigs, red wine, the dodgers, the scrabbler....i miss you!!! puppets, grolsch beer, "ROCKABELLY, knockoheads, foot messages, MY LITTLE KITTY PRINCESS HASU, URSULA...oh so fucken yummy, NYC HARDCORE, JAPANESE CULTURA, tempura, the kool aid man, vinyl, YUMIKO....the cutest dimples i've ever seen, TRANNIES & GRANNIES, tattooed fingers, black & tans, straight shit talking, school house rock, cherry garcia ice cream, shooting pool, photography, need to do some more puppet shows, fucker, peanut butter and bananas, chess, POKEMON BATTLES, street art, the lost and found, UNCLE JOE, KING TORTA on VALLEY BLVD., the house of spirits, jumping julian perez, AREKUSANDORA...she knows why, mixing, IFA, UNAGI, nyc on the 4th of u-lie, dance crashing, ANIME & MANGA, the jungle, HOUSE MUSIC ALL NIGHT LONG, pajamas, really hot sause, SNORLAX, cheech & chong, the morning news, sport center, THE WORD CUP.....oh fuck it....i'm sick of writting this shit....if you want to know more just ask....

I'd like to meet:

my arekusandora-san is the woman of my dreams.....nuff said


now i know that i just changed this last week but, this weekend was an eye opener to how much shit i didnt know.....thanks current twisted musical frame of mind playlist....CURRENT 93, NURSE WITH WOUND, DEATH IN JUNE, THROBBING GRISTLE, VIRGIN PRUNES, PSYCHICK TV, SOL INVICTUS, COIL.....all of these fuckers kick yourself a favor and give them a listen....


there are so many fucken movies i dig, but here is a list of the best of the best.....THIS IS ENGLAND, PARADISE LOST, BATTLE ROYALE, THE PHONE, what's eating gilbert grape, down by law, JESUS CAMP, INTO THE MIRROR, dark days, mondo new york, a fist full of dollars, supersize it, HATED: THE GG ALLEN DOCUMENTARY, nacho libre, THE DECLINE OF THE WESTERN CIVILIZATION II: THE METAL YEARS, charlie brown christmas, IRREVERSIBLE, SNAKE OF JUNE, mexican bus ride, sid and nancy, american history x, THE EYE, PULP FICTION, crash, sin city, FACE, ICHI THE KILLER, acri, tokyo fist, all night long, tale of two sisters, a man and his horn, KAKASHI, UZUMAKI, cure, splatter, CLOCK WORK ORANGE, vincent & theo, i stand alone, DISTANCE, LOST IN TRANSLATION, rubber's lover, tetsu, PINNOCHIO 769, paris texas, the wall, bombay cafe, TORTILLA FLAT, animal house, walk the line, SANTA SANGRE, time of the gypsies, 3 EXTREMES, evil dead trap, flowers in the attic, the omen, grapes of wrath, face of another, FULL METAL JACKET, viridiana, rumble fish, pride of the yankees, barfly, FREEZE ME, the wall, SUICIDE CIRCLE, gozu, falling down, to kill a mocking bird, VERTIGO, dark water, LOS OLVIDADOS also almost any movie by luis bunuel, almodovar, gaspar noe, the pang brothers, takashi miike and roman polanski




anything by charles bukowski, junji ito, zusuki kenji, george orwell, carlos fuentes, allen ginsberg....when can i go into the supermarkert and by what i need with my good looks, jorge luis borges, octavio paz, fante, BASHO, THE ART OF WAR, THE BOOK OF FIVE RINGS....way to much shit to talk about.....i also dig manga.....BATTLE ROYALE, one piece, UZUMAKI, abenobashi, MONSTER, strain, SANDLAND.....a few others.....i always dig a good read.


monkey d. luffy...bob baker..."hambone"...PRINCESS LITULEE...AREKUSANDORA-SAN....cara sunshine...the scrabbler...THE VBC..."hank chinaski"...dr. ford...ash katchum...bad boy bill...brett favre...john candy...tom ray..."fisheyes johnson"...the silver fox...rasputin...crise one...spy 1000...julian perez..."rat boy"...MY MOMMY...dave chappelle...jose "CHEIF" estrada... bruno...homer simpson...the fonz...tony chopper...raul mejia..."alley joe"...spider...pete rose...allen ginsberg...wario...king70...TOKEN ONE... peanut the dog...snorlax...junji ito...takashi miike and MYSELF!!!!

My Blog


so it starts todayor yesterday.......things said hurt, like a dull knifecutting the flesh of my heart.....being alone has never been my only fear,but todayor she drove away i felt a b...
Posted by mexicanese on Fri, 18 May 2007 08:08:00 PST


he stood at the edge of nowhere....the lights were bright upon his face,why.....he thought things were better.....than what?the other day we wandered outside....and got caught......why......shame on h...
Posted by mexicanese on Thu, 17 May 2007 06:16:00 PST

a letter to my WIFE baby, this is the hardest part about writing a letter, where to start.....i guess i just wanted to say a few things, to tell you how i's been over a year that we have been ...
Posted by mexicanese on Thu, 03 May 2007 07:09:00 PST

a new tattoo

friends, romans and countrymen, i need a new tat a brother out....i want it to say alexandra but in another the one i have on my neck idea is to have her name ...
Posted by mexicanese on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 08:20:00 PST

part five

three months on the wagon fucken sucks.... but since she took her life, drinking doesn't help me get where i need to go.. the bitch went off the deepest of ends... i can't blame her....the world is so...
Posted by mexicanese on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 08:31:00 PST

ode to borges

and from her lips came the words i never dared speak....o nights, o darkness warm and shared, o love that flows in shadows like some secret river, o that instant of ecstasy when each is both, o that e...
Posted by mexicanese on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 07:51:00 PST

my new tattoo

my new tattoo is killing itches like a motha fucka.....i got that shit on my neck last week and it's healing well, but everytime i put on a shirt it rubs against it....OUCH!!!!!! looks...
Posted by mexicanese on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 08:39:00 PST

part four

when i woke from my drunken sleep....i realized i hadn't eaten in daysi need a shower and a shavei need some ass and another drink....i turned over and clicked on the tubethe college boy of a reporter...
Posted by mexicanese on Tue, 23 May 2006 01:13:00 PST

part three

so there she stood.....a masterpiece....or so i thought.....she said that time had been lonely since our last meeting...i said"yeah"care for a drink...she asked"no"she poured one anyway...and it looke...
Posted by mexicanese on Tue, 23 May 2006 08:58:00 PST

this morning

this morning started out just like any other day before......i wish it hadn't....the black clouds have returned to cause friction in my otherwise stable life....i feel overpowered by mystries of past ...
Posted by mexicanese on Tue, 23 May 2006 08:50:00 PST