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Human Trafficking Awareness


About Me

Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery!

A recent survey asked Americans if they thought there was slavery sill occurring in the United State...
92% said NO
We need to take action join us to help inform others about human trafficking!
Human trafficking is world-wide and occurs in ALL countries.
The below is by: A former TV news cameraman and journalist with over 30 years in the industry in Australia and Southeast Asia. Covered a number of stories of prostitution and child labor in Asia and Australia. Currently a S.E. Asian historian.
Children from the Ivory Coast in West Africa are frequently sold by relatives or kidnapped and transported to countries in Western Africa to work either as domestic slaves or in the sex trade, usually as sex-slaves.
Before I continue, I will explain my terminology. Prostitutes are males/females who are paid for performing sex acts with clients and receive some or all of their earnings. Sex-slaves are those that are forced to perform sex but have no freedom and see none of the money they generate.
In Cambodia one can find children, mostly girls, with some as young as 5 y.o. (oral sex at that age and vaginal sex at 9-10) from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and either Burmans or other ethnic groups from Myanmar. There are even Eastern European girls, usually mid-teen and older, found in Cambodia.
In Thailand the situation is similar with the girls usually being slightly older-- the youngest would be around 11 although most would be 12 or older. There is even a "Sex Circuit" that starts at Bangkok, works its way down the west coast of Thailand into Malaysia along the west coast and into Singapore returning to Bangkok along the east coast of Malaysia and Thailand. The 'circuit" takes between 18-22 months with the girls kept in each brothel for around a week before being sent to the next.
In Indonesia the girls are usually other Indonesian and from the outer islands. Some of the girls can be 6 y.o. (especially in the military brothels). These 6.y.o. are made to have vaginal sex. One must realize that an Asian girl is small and therefore is not capable of having sex with an adult male until she is around 9.y.o. without suffering physical damage. These girls frequently have damage to their vagina's and urethra causing constant leaking of urine. Others die from constant bleeding and other damage done
In Japan girls from surrounding Asian countries are found along with a small number of Japanese girls. The lighter the skin color the better. There are also European girls from Europe, Britain, the US and Australia that have been offered singing and dancing contracts in Japan only to find they are being forced into the sex trade.
Eastern European girls, usually mid-teens and older, can be found in other Eastern European countries, Western Europe, Britain and even in the US.
South American and Mexican girls from 10 y.o. and upwards can be found in brothels in other South American countries and all throughout the US. There are documented cases of girls, some as young as 10 being forced to be sex-slaves in open-air brothels in corn-fields in Texas and surrounding states.
The Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia is a major import for sex-slaves. Many of the Saudi princes like European girls, usually mid-teen and upwards, and these are kidnapped from Europe, Britain and especially the US and flown to Saudi Arabia where they are sold to the princes who use them for 3-6 months or slightly longer then on-sell them to local brothels. Blond-haired blue-eyed girls are the most preferred.
Informational Web sites against human trafficking: tml
Are you a victim? They can help:
Call the Nineline for immediate help: 1-800-999-9999

My Interests

Many people will not watch these videos because they feel like they can do nothing, so they see no point to care. But you can do something... Bring awareness to others about the fastest growing sex trade!!!


I'd like to meet:


"Maybe someone will help,
maybe someone will see,
maybe someone will realize,
This poem isn't just for me!"
