Tom profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm 22 years old, born and raised in Milwaukee, WI. I'm also a senior at UW-Milwaukee where i'm a pre-Pharmacy/Spanish major. I just got accpeted to the UW-Madison School of Pharmacy so ill be moving there in the fall. My life revolves around school, core, sick euro metal, friends, veganism, going out to eat, lifting, raging, and just generally being the most awesome dude you'll ever meet...

My Interests

school, CORE, shows, drums, Cassie, silk soymilk, family, friends, hangouts, roadtrips, coffee, vegan food, wrestling, coaching, raging, vegan bean burritos and 7-layers from taco bell, the OC, cooking, writing, movies, judging everyone, sleeping in when i can and reading anything non-school related when i have time.

I'd like to meet:

I already met her.


right now (in no particular order): the warriors, pantera, judge, snapcase, santa sangre, cannibal corpse, and red hot chilli peppers.


goodwill hunting. rocky I-IV.


tv sucks.


the baptizing of america - rudin, 1984 - orville, and cien anos de soledad - marquez.


my brother and my sister.

My Blog

estos conos trabajos

fuck that shit, my prof. decided that our two end of the semester papers (one 10 page and a 3 pager) needed to be due tomorrow and she felt the need to tell us this yesterday. well, fuck done....
Posted by Tom on Thu, 04 May 2006 10:24:00 PST

yo, read this if we're truly friends

for the past year, or almost a year, i've been busy studying and working on trying to gain admission to pharmacy school.  in the course of this quest i feel that i have left a lot of my friends b...
Posted by Tom on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 08:13:00 PST

at uwm without my ipod...

fuck this, im going insane.  why did i forget to grab it this morning??  some of the shit people say, fucking morons.  come see me this sunday at the 7a7p reunion show.  my new ban...
Posted by Tom on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 11:27:00 PST

carson daly is a faggot....

and im sick. i can't sleep and i have so much shit to do by the end of the week.  fuck me.  this was the worst time to get sick, maybe if they would fix my radiatior.  i told them yeste...
Posted by Tom on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 10:46:00 PST

lets fucking rage....

what a fucking sick of filling out pharmacy school applications.  jesus christ, this shit is overrated....this all better pay off some day or im gonna just fucking rage.  fob last n...
Posted by Tom on Fri, 18 Nov 2005 12:31:00 PST


so, for everyone who hasn't seen me in forever its because ive been in studying hibernation for the the past 3-4 weeks.  i have my PCAT exam this coming saturday and ive been cramming for that as...
Posted by Tom on Fri, 21 Oct 2005 10:03:00 PST

what the fuck to do with my life?

seriously, fuck me. fuck decisions.  fuck o-chem lab.  fuck o-chem.  fuck contemporary spanish lit 419 and having to read 78 pages by thursday and a 400 page novel in the next week or s...
Posted by Tom on Wed, 21 Sep 2005 09:50:00 PST


yo, did anyone else check the smog factor today, holy fucking shit, you can't see shit in this city.  i need to take another shower b/c i feel flithy. fuck global warming and fuck G.W. too. ...
Posted by Tom on Fri, 09 Sep 2005 02:56:00 PST

as if my body couldn't get any worse...

fuck, i just wrote this entire entry and myspace just deleted it.  fuck off. i tweaked my back out at work on friday then drove carly to lacrosse with ploetz and kent.  apparently long car r...
Posted by Tom on Mon, 29 Aug 2005 01:11:00 PST

best weekend in a long time...

yo, so this past weekend was one for the record books.  kent and i met up at the casa after work, cashed our respected paychecks, neglected to pay our parking tickets, went to doba and then bough...
Posted by Tom on Wed, 17 Aug 2005 04:27:00 PST