Miss Fortune profile picture

Miss Fortune

Let's test your threshold of pain, Let's see how long you last...

About Me

Hello! To those of you don't know me already my name is Laura and I love punk, ska & psychobilly. Currently I'm a bit of a work-a-holic cuz I run my own clothing label Miss Fortune , I also run a shop website called Whiplash Workshop . When I'm not working 70 hours a week ("in soviet Russia clothing company runs me!") i do try to have some fun, which mostly takes the form of going to gigs, punk/psychobilly nights or just meeting with freinds. You can find pics of me & my clothing in my pics.

Here's a selection of my latest designs for Miss Fortune, you can find more in my pics or on the Miss Fortune myspace page or in my pics section.

Here's a picture of an old made to measure collection I did in 2006 called "The Skeleton at the Ball", which was inspired by the Mexican Day of the Dead festival. The Video is also at the end of this section.

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My Interests

Check this out! "FRANKENGRIND" Burlesque - a night of female monsters! Oct 28th - Nottingham.
Click the flyer to see a larger version and more info

Punk, ska, rockabilly and psychobilly. Cool buildings and big cities. Obviously I have more than a passing interest in clothes/fashion. Going to gigs. I have a passion of the Day of the Dead and Halloween! :)

I'd like to meet:

I'm not bothered about having a huge friends list, just one with people i'm gonna talk to on so... I only add bands i actually like, I'll add anyone i know personally and I'll add people i don't know if you look like someone i might actually talk to :)
Please don't add me if your an emo or indie band, i'm not interested! Also, if your gonna add me actually send me an email or comment or something or i'm just gonna delete you in a few weeks time lol
If your more interested in my shop or my clothing label you might wanna check out my Whiplash Workshop page and my Miss Fortune Clothing page and add me there instead :)
My website banners...

Copy and paste the code below into your page to get the above banner " />

Copy and paste the code below into your page to get the above banner" />

Copy and paste the code below into your page to get the above banner>" />


Bands I like include;
The Slackers
Mad Sin
The Clash
Dead Kennedys
Voodoo Glow Skulls
Lars Fredericksen and the Bastards
The Meteors
Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster
Demented Are Go
The Cramps
The Misfits
Link 80
Agent Orange
Random Hand
The Hot Rocket Trio
Operation Ivy
Minor Threat
King Blues
Bad Brains
The Toasters
Black Flag
Coffin Nails
The Damned
Sick Of It All
The Specials
King Prawn
Stray Cats
and probably lots of other punk, ska and psychobilly bands that I've forgotten! I also like Aphex Twin, Cypress Hill, Ronie Size and Goldie and other random stuff!
Guana Batz - Loan Shark. Love this song!
Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster - Palominos Dream
One of my favourite Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster songs - Team Meat - live


Nightmare Before Christmas, Seven, 8mm, Batman - Dark Knight, Romeo & Juliet, Fight Club, Saw & Saw2, Sweany Todd, Edward Sissorhands, most Tim Buton films and films with Nick Cage, Brad Pritt, Johnny Depp or Joaquin Pheonix in.********************************************************* *

Which Empire Records Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Simpsons, American Dad, Six Feet Under, King of the Hill, The Shield, The Sopranos, Family Guy, Never Mind The Buzcocks, House, Dexter, Family Guy, Red Dwarf, Heroes, UFC, TNA& WWE!


hmm I have to admit that I don't read that much, that's mostly down to my dyslexia. I have a lot of books on architecture & art & fashion & punk ... I like books with pictures! In general, if i read, I like autobiographies, factual books and books about serial killers :)


These folk are all totally cool and worth checking out!

My Blog

Whiplash stall at Hurly Burly burlesque 1st Nov

I'll be doing Whiplash Workshop stall again at Hurly Burly Burlesque on Nov 1st at the Derby Dance Centre (for those who know derby - it's next to the Bless). There will be a range of stalls selling c...
Posted by Miss Fortune on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 08:52:00 PST

Frankengrind 28th Oct - Halloween themed burlesque in aide of breast cancer research

Check this out! "Frankengrind" burlesque night - "a night of female monsters!" - Nottingham - 28th Oct '08A night of halloween themed burleque perfomances by the likes of Beatrix Von Bourbon and Milli...
Posted by Miss Fortune on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 12:58:00 PST

International fashion show and upcoming stalls

So I took part in my first overseas fashion show in Chicago last week! Well, I didn't take part in it, my clothes did, i wasn't there at all!  Wish i had been then i might have been able to stop ...
Posted by Miss Fortune on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 06:35:00 PST

New Miss Fortune Website & online shop!

I'm really quited excited! My new website is finally up and it has an online shop too :)  Check it out, it has stuff that does stuff when you move the curser over it!  How cool is that ;)&nb...
Posted by Miss Fortune on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 03:20:00 PST

Rebellion Festival 2007 pics!

I've posted all the pics for Rebellion 2007 in my pics section, there's a folder for band photos and a folder for all the other random pics.  Check em out!  Here's a taster of what you'll fi...
Posted by Miss Fortune on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 04:37:00 PST

I'll be having a stall @ The Speed Kings/Hot Rocket Trio gig - 10th Apr - DERBY!

Listen up guys!  I'm gonna be having a small stall at the following rockbailly/punk gig in derby, you should all come down and show some support for these bands cuz they rock! http://www.whiplas...
Posted by Miss Fortune on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 10:56:00 PST

Rancid pics & videos!!

Woo Hoo Rancid Vids!! Ok so I can't be bothered to post my rancid pics here, you can just go see them in my pics section! Here are three videos I took at the Nottingham Rock City and Birmingham Accade...
Posted by Miss Fortune on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 01:36:00 PST

yay HALLOWEEN pics!

** HALOWEEN!! ** For those who weren't there and  for those who were there and want reminding here's some of my Halloween pics! www.photobucket.com" target="_blank"> www.photobucket.com" tar...
Posted by Miss Fortune on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 04:32:00 PST

Miss Fortune web site up fianlly!

Miss Fortune web site! Woo Hoo! I've fianlly got round to finishing my Miss Fortune web site and getting it up on the web. It has pictures of my collections, my one off clothes and my ready to wear it...
Posted by Miss Fortune on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 01:27:00 PST

Wasted Videos!

Here's a selection of my videos from Wasted festival 2006 @ Blackpool Winter Gardens; Baby Boom Get this video and more at MySpace.com   CapdownGet this video and more at MySpace.com   The G...
Posted by Miss Fortune on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 08:23:00 PST