rivetgirl profile picture


and the day came when the risk it took to remain closed up in a bud was more painful than the risk i

About Me

I'm living in Japan, teaching English, and studying a traditional martial art, which includes jujutsu and kenjutsu.I quite like martial arts, hiking, dancing to goth/industrial music, and reading interesting things about philosophy, science (especially neuroscience!), and religion. I like watching bizzare and strange dances such as Butoh, and I love Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples. I'm terribly addicted to strange movies, such as movies by David Lynch or John Waters, 1984, etc. I'm also feminist, and trying to understand my position in life and how I interact with other people. It's something I'm still trying to refine.I have a livejournal here . It's friends-only, comment to be added, etc.Oh, and don't even try to send me explicit or otherwise inappropriate messages. I am not here to describe what sort of bags I would tie you into.
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My Interests

Kashima-Shinryu, Mencius, I Ching, Shinto, Buddhism, Neuroscience, Goth, Industrial, clubbing, cute Japanese men, cute Japanese women, feminism, BDSM

I'd like to meet:

Rebecca Del Rio, La Llorona de Los Angeles From the Movie Mulholland Drive


Industrial (esp. powernoise), gothic (esp. old school goth).Smatterings of other styles as well (such as Tom Waits and Ani DiFranco).


Sword of Doom, An Actor's Revenge, Baraka, Zatoichi, Eraserhead, Freaks, Pink Flamingoes, Requiem for a Dream, Happiness, Pi, Lost Highway. Looking for a copy of Jarman's "The Last of England".


I don't like TV. How about art instead? I like Bruce Conner, Bill Viola, and Buddhist/Buddhist-influenced art (such as mandala).


Black Rain, Mencius, The Lotus Sutra, anything by Isaac Asimov, The Fionavar Tapestry, The Foundation of Japanese Buddhism, Terry Pratchett, Harry Potter, Wicked, my book of Shinto norito, Legacies of the Sword, Chuck Palahniuk's books (especially "Invisible Monsters"), anything by Charles Buckowski, Hothead Paisan by Diane DiMassa.


Kunii Zenya, Seki Humitake, Dr.William Bodiford, Dr.Glanzman, Hothead Paisan

My Blog

violence among sexual minorities in japan

Recently came across an interesting study on violence involving sexual minorities in Japan. This was fairly (and by "fairly" I mean "really motherfucking") depressing to read. Here I give a coupl...
Posted by kimeve on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 06:33:00 PST


So today is the last day of my (official) winter vacation; it's back to work tomorrow, but I've got a three-day weekend right after that, so vacation doesn't really quite feel finished just yet. Somew...
Posted by kimeve on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 04:35:00 PST

scorpio woman sex profile

Surprisingly accurate, if you just reverse the dominance thing.   My score on The Sextrology Test:Scorpio Woman(...) Homosexual Drawn to wholesome girl-next-door, she adopts a wordly-wise demean...
Posted by kimeve on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 05:57:00 PST

ye cannot serve two mistresses...

...and ye cannot make two people happy at the same time. No matter what I do, I keep hurting people. I can't keep on like this. Hurting people, then trying to fix it all back up again. The heartbreak ...
Posted by kimeve on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 07:15:00 PST


[dmp001] Arzt+Pfusch- Warum? more Arzt+Pfusch Kickass industrial music. And it's free. HAPPINESS AND LIGHT!...
Posted by kimeve on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 06:40:00 PST


Someone keeps sending me messages from a deleted profile. It's odd, because if you delete the profile I can't read the message. If you're going to message me, please keep your profile up. Or something...
Posted by kimeve on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 12:42:00 PST

the grave of love, the yesterday

Went to a nichome women-only club on Saturday night. I was WAY overdressed--I'd dressed for the goth club, but everyone in the nichome club was...well, normal. And the music was normal. Eh, it could h...
Posted by kimeve on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 07:11:00 PST


Everything is good. And I have a very beautiful (and hot) new girlfriend. *yay*
Posted by kimeve on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 09:48:00 PST


What can I say?I really have only myself to blame.I guess by tomorrow I'll soon see the measure of things.
Posted by kimeve on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 06:34:00 PST

rivet much?

Last night at the club was *awesome*. I got to hang out with oodles of people, including Hiroko (who gifted me with alcohol) and J (who gifted me with stompy music). And I engaged in the exorcism of t...
Posted by kimeve on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 01:04:00 PST