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About Me

I started 1984 with Peek, Poke & Data in C64-Basic on the famous C64. Later on that machine i came first in contact with a 3 channel SID tracker. After the C64 era i switched to the Amiga to track more stuff, 4 channel first and later in 8 channel with Octalyzer 8 Bit Tracker. In the 1990s i bought a PC and tried new Trackers. The first one was Composer 669, a 16 channel 8 Bit Tracker and later Screamtracker which i descided to use as Adlib Tracker (no samples only synths). Clearly, all of the above efforts failed and just got me into composing. The next step was Windows and the awful .MID format which i edited in Midisoft recording session. It was a waste of time, too. Having learned only little about the mistake, i used Soundfonts (Technolab) and Midisoft recording session to finish my first acceptable pieces. However, only 1 of them is still part of EFTOS.DE as of today: "Hoax Universe" (which was also the first song without looping the main lead). After all those effords i discovered the software i still use up to now: Modplug Tracker, a 16 Bit multi-channel, instrument-supported Windows tracker based on the famous Impulse Tracker and processing the IT format. One short note here: 16 Bit Samples together with Instrument-support and the editing advantages of a tracker is the absolution. I will never use Renoise or others. I am a Tracker, still.
My entire work, the work of my lifetime is compressed into one CD "Local Sense Technology". Of course i did more songs, weaker as they were, they were killed entirely. There's too much music out and with this step i try not to pollute things. My latest change was discovering the DARK-Scene, wich i contributed to with a 8-Piece EP "Leadcore" consisting of "The uncrowded Nature" "Truth Nonexistence" "All a lie" "Antiverse" "Self-destruct Intelligence" "It is not" "Suiright" & "Ten Commandments". My music is climax oriented Leadcore, a genre missing in any drop-down list, search result or tag. A lead is the base of every song: atonal, polytonal or plain. Without a single loop they follow strict non-repetitive rules. Also my latest songs truly get to the border of the WAV format & beyond...
After 8 years of work on my debut CD "Local Sense Technology" (1999-2014) i have started composing my final CD "Art Prime" (2006-2016). My self-set goal (one album only) needs further evaluation: "Essential Eftos" - the best of Eftos CD, the merging of "Local Sense Technology" and "Art Prime". This result is published through EFTOS.DE under the section "Essential".

My Interests


Member Since: 10/30/2005
Band Website: EFTOS.DE
Influences: Donald Duck
Sounds Like: Mickey Mouse
Record Label: What???
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

You creative

Hi there,Every male- female- duet- chorus-singer is invited.You are a gfx artist? Drop me a line.If you are a director / short-film producer, maybe your work would fit as a clip.For each new rele...
Posted by Eftos on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 09:26:00 PST


H!Are you a DJ? Cool!Just provide your mail and i will reply a kit including some high quality mp3s. Finders keepers, Eftos
Posted by Eftos on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 03:20:00 PST