Kirstin profile picture


...and I'm such a slut for authority.

About Me

on the verge of something great.

My Interests

My interests include befriending fictional characters, bicycling around the city of Philadelphia (and subsequently getting hit by cars), recreational pole dancing, eating Pica's Pizza, embracing conspiracy theories, obsessing over the Philadelphia Flyers, tackling my superiors, changing my optimal career path every 8.2 seconds, and throwing gang signs at inopportune times.

I'd like to meet:

a little less conversation, a little more action.

and, as always


This is pop-punk weather.

I dare you to claim your taste in music is more eclectic than mine:



For Richer Or Poorer
Grumpier Old Men
The Secretary
Pirates of the Caribbean
Ocean's Eleven
Dr. Strangelove
X-Files: Fight the Future
Silence of the Lambs
Back to the Future
Edward Scissorhands
Pulp Fiction
Pirates XXX




Also (to categorize):

My Evening News: AC360, The Daily Show, Colbert, Conezie

Toons: ATHF, Angry Beavers, Fairly Oddparents, Clone High, Inspector Gadget, Dinosaurs

Don't Hate Me Because I Watch: I Love New York, Flavor of Love, Prison Documentaries

Oldies but Goodies: The Golden Girls, The Munsters, Gilligan's Island, Night Court

I Hate Whoever Cancelled: Celebrity Mole, The Tournament, Daria, Kids in the Hall, GUTS, That's My Bush, The Crocodile Hunter (keep it in syndication!)


Always looking for a new read. Latest discovery-- "The Chronicles" by yours truly. Can't get enough.

Current/Classic favorites include:
Youth in Revolt
Dispatches from the Edge
Bringing Down the House
America [the book]
Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

I also read a lot of X-Files fanfic. It's a guilty pleasure. Shuttup.


We'll Miss You, Mate.

He rides on 22's. You don't know.

My Blog

Ain't nobody gonna see eye to eye with a girl who's only gonna stand collar bone high

Rain's gonna come in fair-sized drips, and we're gonna go to heaven wearing paper hat ships.Oh, the Old 97s.A plethora of excellent things have emerged from the deep, dark, depths of the world as of l...
Posted by Kirstin on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 09:17:00 PST

Kippers and Swizzlesticks! A blog!

I feel the need to inform you, my buddies, of what has been going on in the past few weeks.  Because I haven't seen much of anybody other than myself lately, so why the hell not.Here's how it's g...
Posted by Kirstin on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 10:45:00 PST