First and for most Jah, with out H.I.M i would be lost, my family, travel, Spinnin records, Art, Sports, & Smart Girlz hot nerdy ones...
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Sexy ass girlz with the brains and wit to match, and must have style when it comes to gear, as far as guy's if we can make money then lets get it in.
Hip-Hop House Drum & Bass Reggae Dub & any hot shit out there
Belly, monty python, house of 1000 corpses, glory, kid's (that shit was fucked up so strap up) country man, down with love, empire of the sun, ninja scroll, shoo-in vs. lama, 5 deadly venom's, 36 chambers, ghost in a shell, shogun assassin (every fuckin' one lone wolf n cub is bad ass the best samurai moves ever put out) and so many more i just can't name them.
fuck T.V. it will rot your brain. besides they lie to you on the news just look at the crap on Fox
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right By Al Franken, Stupid White Men, The Bible, the bible code, James n the Giant peach.