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F.A.M 1st is a Milwaukee based group of young men and women who are working toward the common goal of being able to provide for those in need as well as build stronger and more united urban communities across the United States.The term FAM 1st stems from a belief that family, whether immediate or not, should play a vital role towards the success of one's life. The acronym F.A.M 1st was created by a group of young African-American males to symbolize the importance of placing family morals and values as a primary gconcern in life. Family Always Matters 1st is also a belief that you look out for and take care of those who support you and seek your support. It is a bond based on the pain, love and struggle that we have endeavored through life experiences as well as a true belief that there is a higher power regardless of one's religion. The FAM is presently trying to tap into the wild world of the music industry and thus seek extra financial assistance in an attempt to establish our own record company. We have created an unbelievable buzz within only a year's time and have developed an extremely demanding work schedule which includes out-of-state networking and constent event planning. We have performed in numerous live concerts locally as well as nationally in Madison, California, Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, and Miami, just to name a few. Our music is a reflection of our life as we see and know it and is rarely sugar coated. The FAM is currently seeking funding for clothing manufacturing, show booking, audio and video recording, travel fees, special event cost, marketing and promotion expenses, studio space and equipment. With a growing interest both artistically and financially in the hip hop industry, we strongly believe and can display that the investment will be more than worthwhile. Each sponsors name and logo will be well represented and presented apart from any special requests the sponsor may have. The FAM ultimately envisions being able to launch our own youth centers locally, nationally, then internationally; tap into different angles of introducing the F.A.M 1st National Charity Fund which will raise money for needy, uninsured hospitalized children across the country. The FAM prays and will appreciate any of those who can make a contribution toward assisting us on our road to success.Contact Information
Greg Brown(Greedy Mussolini)
[email protected] Barki(T)