Music ,television ,books ,movies ,plants ,people ........
mmmm ...Lazzaro Spallanzani
Yeah music is great for the breakfast,its good.I get mine from shops-mostly-it goes a bit of this a bit of that it all gets a bit messy..must get it sorted
local video store called the foyer -I don't go to the cinema much-shame really .I don't really get on with black and white films-and subtitles are a bit hard when im about to drop off.i like some arty films and some bad hollywood ones
well in fact i have a couple, one has recently broke, the other i use for the early hours,telly is alright to unwind to but the sands of time slip descretely through the cracks in the gets hard to find the time and the right programme to coincide-i gave up using the video recorder long ago.
borrowed from friends on the whole-i have a few first editions that i have inherited. books are cool-but i dont read them-just dip my feet in from time to time and it is probably due to this i am more of a fan of non fiction or the shorter story style of writing
plenty sometimes none