Ben profile picture


About Me

I am tall, I am southern born, I am pretty sure the magic amulette that I found is going to be making a BIG difference in my life, so. thats that.I am rarely at a loss.I am currently at a loss.the world still spins west to eastbut something is a'brewin.I enjoy simple things like oxygen and, I like it.laughing is a lot of fun when something is funny. but its a little weird when nothings really funny.weird is when things are normal and not right or really off and octopussy, or when you emit fire from your eyes or when the ocean is always really upset and keeps coming in your house.I enjoy stars and moon.I am like this sometimes. I play a stringed instrument and howl mostly, so.

My Interests

interesting things

I'd like to meet:

the mayor of the moon. the conductor of the seas. the lady that invented sand. the children that found electricity. a volley of friends that were not bitey dartey. a charming badger. a wonderful hilarious matador. a well behaved dragon, an intellectual whale or perhaps an invisable ninjas. an abraham lincoln styled diplomat that truly enjoyed introducing me to a family of bears that had a garden of trees that grew twenties. at least one dinosaur. a volcanic herbivore. the cloud caretaker. a vixen from venus. an indian chief. the continental divider. someone that was having a wang dang doodle.anyone who knew/knows.


sweet sounding music is nice.


movies that are really, really good


not so much


Well written.


The Ocean

My Blog

the driving of the year nail

Now it goes like this, I suppose, because it goes without a real opposing force. And the ocean gets tame, I suppose, who knows. And the anxious nation votes, as the youngest power shops. Me? I have be...
Posted by Ben on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 08:22:00 PST