Roc. profile picture



About Me

There is more to me than meets the eye. I'm quite the balance of irrational nature and big hearted mushiness.I'm a grounded professional, take care of my body and mind. While very complex....I am simple at the same time.What I'm looking for is someone that is not only good looking on the outside, but also has that same beauty within. Someone muscular (as the gym is a very important part of my life)and yet loves a night at home or walking along the beach....partying in a bar or crusing is not usually my thing but a night out is fun now and then. Passion and romance are big with me, a great smile and a sense of humor win you points!Not to mention if you LOVE kids!

My Interests

Cars (Cadillacs mostly), Weight-lifting, Surfing, Networking and just loving life!

I'd like to meet:

Good People.I have learned so much this year about myself and LOVE LIFE!!!Someone that is honest and yet knows how to be a smart ass, someone that loves kids. A great smile and big heart, handsome and fit are great too, someone who knows that the world can stink some of the time and still smile. :-DWouldn't hurt if you enjoyed cars (especially GM cars ha ha), some type of sports and snuggling.


Anything that feeds my soul and lifts my spirits.


I have an endless DVD collection.


Lately Real Estate Confidential, The First 48, Family Guy and sometimes reality TV


Anything dealing with Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and/or Marketing....and the Cadillac CTS catalogue ;-)
