Formed in 2003. Ramon (The Garfields), Saldanha (ex:The Garfields) Poli (ex:Good Looking Guys) enter in studio for the writing of two original songs, Trade it 4 rock'n'roll and what you don't wanna be. Songs these that are part of promocional compact disc "GO supra GO" (self edition). 2003/04 New line up A.J (Texabilly Rockets, Dr.Frankenstein) joined to play Electric bass in the live acts and J.Ventura took the Drumming place. 2005 Maló (Speeding Bullets) Double bass player, substitutes A.J in the Live performances and recorded the bass lines of the song Mr.Devil is on You! 2005/06- Pessanha Joins the band to play the bass and the keyboard keys.
2006 - J. Brito Joins to play the Bass. 2007 - Paulo Teixeira is the new Bass Player.