Jawbox profile picture


All nerve and no brain!

About Me

J. ROBBINS (ex- government issue, jawbox, dischord rex, etc) child diagnosed with rare disease, donation site setupHi friends of J. Robbins, Janet Morgan and Cal Robbins:J. and Janet’s baby boy Cal was born with a serious genetic condition called Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Though there is no cure for this condition, there are lots of treatments that promise to give Cal the the best possible quality of life. Unfortunately, many of these, especially the alternative treatments, are not covered by health insurance.J. and Janet have given so much over the years to the music community we're all a part of, so Bill and I are hoping you can see in your hearts to help them out now.We've set up a website with more information and a place to make a donation. All of the money will go straight to J. and Janet to help defray their growing medical bills.Thanks for your support and feel free to send this email on to folks who might likewise be interested in helping. Take care—Kim Coletta and Bill Barbothttp://www.desotorecords.com/cal/index.shtml [www.desotorecords.com]In a time where guys with girls hairstyles and jeans sell millions of records under the guise of "melodic hardcore/punk" bands who created the genre have gone somewhat unnoticed and fallen through the cracks. Jawbox was one of those bands. In the early 80's Washington D.C. was the home of what would define American Hardcore. Bands like Minor Threat, Bad Brains, Void, Faith, Government Issue...etc had taken the punk explosion from england and stripped it of all its bullshit fashion and added guts. Lightning fast, Aggressive explosions of energy and assualt on the stage. As the scene grew and matured so did the songcraft. Bands like Fugazi, Gray Matter, Dagnasty adding more technical and melodic touches. Around that time staple hardcore act Government Issue went through a lineup change adding drummer Pete Moffet and bassist J Robbins. The bands sound reflected the changes in what was happening around them. When GI parted ways J Robbins already deep into his own song writing stepped up front and created Jawbox. Jawbox captured all of the elements of what J had been a part of in the D.C. scene; fast, aggressive, explosive, technical and melodic harcore and created some of the most intense and inspiring music to come from, not only the nations capitol, but from underground music anywhere.In their own words: Where do we begin? It's easily most difficult to write about Jawbox, since, after all, it was our band. You want to be dispassionate, clinical, objective, driven by the facts. That we can do. Jawbox was a rock band that played a lot of shows, put out a lot of records, and spent more than its fair share of hours in a beige '88 Econoline named Giuseppe. The band lived in a house in Silver Spring, MD, wrote all of its songs in the basement, and made records in Arlington, Baltimore, and Hoboken. Jawbox started with three people in 1989, and ended with four in 1997. Drank a lot of coffee in America, ate a lot of frites, Tartex, and tire cheese in Europe. Played drums, bass, and guitar. Sang till it was hoarse.Does that do it? Not by a long shot. A life, be that of a person, a horse, or a rock band, isn't so much the sum total of its possessions and its output, as it is the web of other lives it touched, and by which it was touched. Putting that web into words is a task better left to the listener. Or better yet, leaving those connections untouched, indescribable, is perhaps best of all.Thank you for listening.This is a fan created page to unite old fans and expose new people to an amazing band that has meant alot to alot of rock fans everywhere.SAVORY VIDEO:

My Interests


Member Since: 11/2/2005
Band Website: desotorecords.com/bands/jawbox.shtml
Band Members:

Bill WC3dB Barbot - Guitars, Vocals (1990-1997) Zachary Barocas - Drums (1992-1997) Kim Coletta - Bass Adam Wade - Drums (1989-1992) J. Robbins - Vocals, Guitars

Sounds Like:
Record Label: DeSoto, Dischord, Atlantic, Tag
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


so appearently someone has set up a jawbox snocap account where you can purchase jawbox songs but it was NOT JAWBOX!!! i dont really know how this thing can get added to the page without someone being...
Posted by Jawbox on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 10:56:00 PST