Punk, Hardcore, crust, record geekery, yelling, Monster impersonations, theater, throwing bricks, bouncy balls, Vipassana and Zen meditation, Accordions (whoever stole my accordion is going straight to hell), hugs,DIY culture, playing doom metal on my crappy guitar. Getting stuff in the mail. Beer. Dumpster Diving. Monster movies. Skateboarding. and love, baby!
Donald Fagen, so I can punch him in his Yacht Rocking FACE!!!Oh, and Lemmy.
Motorhead, Iron Maiden, WEAKLING! Fleshies, Dolph Fucking Lundgren, Wolves in the Throne Room, The Fartz, Mogwai, Leviathan, Wendy and da Plasmatics, Styx on 45rpm, Trouble, Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, Rhapsody, Ludicra, Thin Lizzy, Circle Takes the Square, Crucial Unit, Iron Lung, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Pelican, Asunder, Charles Bronson, Mihoen, Pandimonium, Brainoil, World Burns to Death, Deadfall, Remains of the day, His Hero is Gone, Unholy Grave .... AH!!! there's too many
I don't have cable
The Illumunatus Trilogy Zen Flesh, Zen Bones. Rumi poetry. Dharma Punx. Hardcore Zen, Zen mind, Beginner's mind, A Gradual Awakening, A confederacy of dunces, Dumbing us down, Porno (the novel), Candide, ANYTHING by William Gibson, The Heart Sutra (an 'r' means it's a Mahayana text), anything by Artaud (he's so delightful), ANY book that Bloodhag throws at me.Books I DON'T want to read: Kant, The Rules, War and Peace, whatever lame hipster lit major book YOU'RE reading... lame-o
Clovis... and Justin J... and Jason Z... and often Cannonball