playing music & titties. If I had to chooose one over the other, I would pick playing music even though I really like titties.
Just about anyone who ain't a dick. I'd really like to meet Ron Jeremy, I saw him on that Surreal Life show and he seems like a really nice guy. He might be fun to have dinner with. Novelist Dan Jenkins' writings have always been an inspiration. I'd like to meet Ghandi, I'd even cook him up a tofu burger so that we could talk about how to be more compassionate. That Jesus dude, I just hope he ain't as big a dick as most of his followers are.
Live Music is the best. There aint enough room to list it all. Bluegrass, Country, Americana, Rock. I love any kind of roots music.
Blazing Saddles was a great film. Any movie that featured Marilyn Chambers. You want to know what would really rock? If we could get Mel Brooks to make a porn movie.
I dont normally watch television, but when I do, I like to watch COPS, just because sometimes it helps to know that there are people out there whos lives are more screwed up than mine. The great thing about COPS is I occasionally get to see family members on their way to jail.
Reading is fundemental. There's nothing I like better than curling up with a good book, unless its making music or playing with titties. But if it's a book about playing with titties or making music, that'll do too.
My kids for being cool. My wife for putting up with my big dumb ass. My friends for loving me even though I'm a massive fuckup and they don't have to love me because they ain't kin.