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Ok, I don't like talking much about myself but here it goes; I was born and raised in Chicago Illinois, my family is interracial I guess you could say. We are part Italian, Black, Cherokee, and Irish.I have always had a very close connection with the Great Spirit and my native american side sense I was a child, and have seen visions and aparitions.I was blessed with a daughter who is now married to her loving husband, with one child, my grandbaby whom I love and cherish dearly as I do my daughter and son-in-law.Love to read a good book, spending time with family,talking with friends, and listening to music.I am truly grateful to Yahweh Elohim (Lord God) for Rescuing me from the world of darkness and confusion, and bringing me into the heavenly light of His Wisdom and Knowledge.As the opening song goes on this site, I can truly say that I never would have made it, I never could have made it without HIM. So the song says it all for me...In return, and without respector of person, I have dedicated my Life to the buisness of Life Guarding and Rescuing those that are in the world who are sincerely searching and seeking Yahweh (God), trying to find some purpose and meaning of their lives.My intent on being in MySpace, being added or adding a friend is to network, meet new people, and communicate with friends and family.It is my desire to do this in the most respectable way I can, as not to offend anyone with offensive words or comments as we have in the world today. Here we try to escape that.....With all due respect, we are added to what is called a friends list, I realize some people are quiet friends who say Hello every now and then, but if you do not intend to communicate at all or be respectful, please do not ask to be added.Friends are special, they should be well loved, well treated, made to feel as comfortable as can be the best way we know how, and spoken to at least once a month.We should be considerate and understanding, give an ear or a shoulder, and hopefully, be there when needed.This is what I desire to do here and I hope it is your desire too because time is too short and I want to make the best of the little time that Yahweh (God) has alotted me.I do not want to miss a chance to tell someone I love them, and commuicate with them with as much respect as I can dish out. You are my online family and I will love you as such without respector of person.And with all due respect I hope you have the same intent and goal........
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