sea-shell profile picture



About Me

We can stand on a box and tell people how to live their lives,but what good does that do when we're not doing it ourselves?Let's love people and hopefully show them a tiny glimpse of God's heart on this Earth.
I want to love people with sincerity and honesty.Unconditionally.Not just because it's what I am supposed to do but because I actually love them. That is the desire of my heart.

My Interests

worldvision,invisible children, most importantly I love my Lord and my relationship with Him...for where your treasure is,there will your heart be also!.. width="425" height="350" ..

I'd like to meet:

Sifa Karisa & Zutha (my kids that live in Africa), June Carter, Johnny Cash, and C.S. Lewis. I have friends good ones...I am down for making new ones too.
PLEASE STOP sending me creepy messages this is not a dating service and I do not and will never internet date! I do not want to be mean, but if you're a band that doesn't necessarily mean I want to be your myspace friend,SO STOP asking me! and if one more half naked girl thinks I wanna be her friend I will flip out! put some daggum clothes on, it's cold outside!


.. Keane, Eisley,Muse,Sufjan Stevens,Discover America,John Ralston, FireTheft,Switchfoot,Sigur Ros,twothirtyeight, M83,Mogwai,Postal Service, Kent, Jimmy Eat World,SleepingAtLast,Anathallo, One Amazin Kid, MatesofState,CoolHandLuke, Colour Revolt,MeWithOutYou ,Copeland, Lovedrug ,Mute Math, Veda/Vederra and metaaaallllll....and Johnny Cash....and Jason Morant


Star Waaarrrssssss,The Life Aquatic,Napoleon Dynamite,The Princess Bride,Labyrinth,Pretty in Pink,Amelie,Lord of the Rings, LoveActually,Pirates of the Carribean,The Royal Tenenbaums,Goonies & Sixteen Candles .. width="425" height="350" ..


I haven't been watchin too much tv these days


Miracles,Reflections on the Psalms,Mere Christianity,A Mind Awake,The Four Loves ,The Chronicles of Narnia(all of them)they are all by C.S.Lewis,Come Away My Beloved.The book of Ephesians,Romans,and Acts - the whole word of our Lord(Holy Bible);the Word for you Today and the Brothers Karamazov.


my mom and Nina .. width="425" height="350" ..

My Blog

a piano and its keys

oh how complicated things can be sometimes.we kick and fight instead of just trusting the One who knows us best.oh play that fiddle little girl.sing to the King, He wants to crown you to be His queen....
Posted by Tiny Dancer on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 09:15:00 PST