Alcohol, Pies, Books, Movies, Pro Wrestling, Sport, Motor Racing, Hot Rods, Comics, Music, Art, 50's Culture, Photography, Design, Sun, Beaches, Soup, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Horror, Trucks, Chilling Out.
Do you really need all the acceptance you can get? - Mecht Mensch
MOTÖRHEAD The Misfits The Kids The Consumers Naked Raygun The Chiefs Suicidal Tendencies Iron Monkey Down Mission Of Burma Jaco Pastorius Miles Davis Kraftwerk De La Soul All those compilations like Killed By Death, Bloodstains, Hyped To Death, Back to Front, Back From the Grave, Nuggets, etc etc etc Was (Not Was) Old songs about monsters and jungles and outer space Frankie Laine John Lee Hooker Hank Williams NWOBHM 80's Thrash Metal about nuclear holocausts Recent stuff like Career Suicide and Inepsy and Be Your Own Pet The Mint Chicks It's not "music" but On The Hour and the Goon Show and other old radio comedy Mountain The Androidss Flesh D-Vice The Gun Club The theme to "Police Story" the list goes on......
The Warriors, Vanishing Point, Get Carter, Die Hard, Southern Comfort, Rear Window, Wise Blood, O Lucky Man!, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Goodfellas, The French Connection, Apocalypse Now, The Thin Red Line (both), Once Upon A Time In The West, Gone In 60 Seconds, The Seven Samurai, Bad Day At Black Rock, D.O.A.(the old one), Asphalt Jungle, Don't Look Now!, Suspiria, Memento, Rosemary's Baby, Light Sleeper, Dawn Of The Dead, Night Of The Living Dead, The Thing (both), Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Quatermass II, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Glenngarry Glen Ross, Taxi Driver, Targets, Best In Show, I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang, The Godfather, Anchorman, Traffic, Beyond The Mat, Wrestling With Shadows and many many more.
Any I can learn something from.
Lemmy, Jaco Pastorius, Dick Johnson, Johnny Cash, Christopher Walken, Lee Ving, Tesco Vee, Steve Buscemi, Bobby Heenan, Jim Cornette, Dave Cameron, Billy Zoom, Sweet Pea Atkinson and Stuart Campbell. And me, for not being dead yet.