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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hailing from Minnesota, I miss everyone there, but loving that I now call NYC home.
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My Interests

I enjoy running, sports of all sorts, listening to music, watching TV on demand, watching my friends perform their music, be it serious or karaoke (NOT mutally exclusive), monitoring my dog Kingsley's bowel habits, checking the median age of myspace, procrastinating, and jokes--really bad? even better.

I'd like to meet:

The cast/crew of Arrested Development, and the bastards that yanked it off the air.


all types, but it's gotta be good, and at a moderate volume--I wanna hear when I'm eighty. I also prefer it live...and outside, if possible--say, Central Park?


JAWS. Too many to name. I will watch almost anything in the theatre and that is not constantly on TBS. Except the aforementioned shark-tale and a certain Tim Robbins prison movie.


Arrested Development, Dead like Me, Entourage, Huff, Project Runway, Six Feet Under, Sopranos, Weeds. In alphabetical order.


Anything right now that does not have ANESTHESIA in the title--I may have OD'd. Bold Statement: Anything without Oprah's name on it.


I need a hero Im holding out for a hero til the end of the night He's gotta be strong And he's gotta be fast And he's gotta be fresh from the fight. Thank you Footloose for a great soundtrack and an awesome cover--can never get too much Bacon.

My Blog

It's FASHION WEEK!! (ode to the BLFP)

Since it's fashion week here in NYC, I decided to blog about my current obsession which some may call a fashion faux pas---the FANNY PACK, or butt bag, murse, hip bag, etc.  I started wearing one...
Posted by megan on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 04:12:00 PST

Cleveland ROCKS!

Just returned from a week-long Anesthesia conference in Cleveland.  Surrounded by fellow nerds with lots of jokes about gas and putting people to sleep.  It was great.  Every meeting wa...
Posted by megan on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 10:17:00 PST

Waterparks...splish splash with the trish trash

So I attended a bachelorette party on Sunday and it may have been the time of my life. We went to Mountain Creek in Vernon, NJ. Feel free to google it to get a visual on the tons o fun that was had....
Posted by megan on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 04:45:00 PST

Running in Central Park

It was tough to figure out the category for this blog (on record:  not comfortable with blogging or the word blog--but in every effort to maintain sanity and an air of "coolness" I thought I woul...
Posted by megan on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 04:43:00 PST