Dory luvs Eeyore profile picture

Dory luvs Eeyore

I am here for Friends

About Me

thank you Georgios [email protected] --likes making new friends
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everyone calls me Dory,because i so am Dory..we call my hubby Eeyore ,because he is so Eeyore..I love my family,the beach,my pets(fur babies)going to Walt Disney World as much as I can..I love Disney friends that are real,meeting interesting people from all walks of life..

My Interests

View my page on The Disney Place
all Disney,good books,my pets,the beach,art,but most my family.native American ways and beliefs,because they are in our everyday life and we should listen..(my space is fun everyone is a TOP friend " no matter where ya are on the pages )[email protected] --likes making new friends
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I'd like to meet:

Walt Disney ,new friends,David,so many I have met on my space ..that would be fun someday..and of course JOHNNY DEPP(captn jack):)
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Michael Jackson,Gary Allen,Alan Jackson, country ,Disney,oldies & more


Disney,Disney!!!and now and then some others


NASA,tvland for old time sakes,diff things ,but dont watch a lot of tv


intriguing books...How to be like Walt..


Walt Disney,and our soldiers!!!!!


My Blog


seems like something always going on ..just as soon as you get ahead a little needed repairs spring work around the yard addedd up $$ oh well I am blessed I have my family ,my pets ,my friend...
Posted by Dory luvs Eeyore on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 11:30:00 PST