Drink & Drawâ„¢ profile picture

Drink & Drawâ„¢

We're not bad, per se; we're just drawn that way.

About Me

We like to drink, we like to draw. We're Drink & Draw.
Inspired by the Drink & Draw Social Club which was started by three famous Los Angeles-area cartoonists in '05, Michael Pope founded the Triad chapter in April of '08. Drink & Draw migrates unevenly from bar to bar every Sunday night, meeting up for spirits, serendipitous encounters, and all varieties of skewed artistry.
Presented by Exhibit A, a Greensboro-based non-profit organization, Drink & Draw is much, much more than its name implies. Besides adding to the cultural fabric of our community, our members will periodically hold art events at children’s hospitals and at nursing homes. As Drink & Draw is all about utilizing the creative, communal & social aspects of its meetings for good, art from club meetings & projects will benefit various charitable groups in the area. You may see our work on t-shirts to heighten awareness of a social concern or on greeting cards sold to benefit a challenge we all share. It’s a different kind of volunteering, but one which is no less beneficial to our local community and humanity at large. We've got big plans, and we can’t do it alone.
It doesn't matter how good you are, whether you draw stick figures with your eyes open or reproduce Rembrandts with your eyes closed. If you like fun, meeting new people, drinking, and expressing yourself, we invite you to bring some friends - including, of course, a
Designated Drink & Draw-er - & join our often unholy army of the night. There’s a seat for you, and we hope to see you there. Bring materials to work with, an ambitious liver to drink with, and tipping money for the waitstaff. Let's party!
DRINK & DRAW. The best damn way to spend Sunday nights.
Locations & times, Art Challenges & Entertainment are always posted online, and if you join, we'll also keep you in the know via EMAIL .

Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.
~ Heraclitus
Come on. It’s a club called Drink & Draw, how many rules could we have? “Rule” is such a harsh word. Think of them more as “considerations”. We are occupying a public space in large numbers. Being the good citizens we are, we need to respect the space, the staff, and the business owners. As such, these are our only requirements:
1) No wet media, such as paints, watercolors, or acrylics. Keep your tools limited to pens, pencils, markers, charcoal, and, if you feel like getting a little messy, pastels. The staff shouldn’t have to clean up spilled beer AND spilled paint from the same table.
2) We don’t care what kind of paper you bring, but please be mindful of space considerations and other patrons by limiting your paper size to realistic dimensions. In other words, if your sheet of paper takes up two bar tables, needs to be mounted, hung, suspended across the bathroom entrance, or held in place by railroad spikes, please complete your opus at home (and be sure to let us see it when you’re done).
3) This one is incredibly important, and while we can’t and won’t kick you out of our club for not abiding by it, we’ll be sure to jest, alienate, and otherwise humiliate you for choosing to disregard it. TIP YOUR STAFF!!! The fine men and women who make these nights possible deserve to be compensated. It’s not easy waiting on a large group of inebriated artists, so make it worth their while so that we remain a welcomed presence.

My Interests

DRINK & DRAWâ„¢. The best damn way to spend Sunday nights.â„¢


SUNDAY NIGHT, October 19, 2008, we're at a new fave - The Wine Press Cafe. Meeting begins around 8 - with first Challenge at 9 o'clock sharp, and we'll play till 11 or so. Along with their SIN night celebration & $10 bottles of wine, we've got some great Art Challenges with nice prizes + great music provided by our hosts. Come help us make a good showing at a new haunt! As always, Drink & Draw is the perfect way to wrap your busy week. So bring a few friends, including, of course, your Designated Drink & Draw-er™, and join us. We’d love to see you there!


The Wine Press Cafe, 301 Martin Luther King Blvd., Greensboro, NC (make right at Natty Greene's; up two blocks)


Can you play the fiddle while standing on your head? Do you eat fire? Are you under the impression you can do stand-up? Can you juggle? Can you fit yourself into a small box while juggling? If your talent can’t be shared in a public forum, but you know someone with an amazing or undiscovered talent suitable for public consumption, please refer him or her to us.


Drink & Draw Raw is coming up soon. We need some flesh to display for the common good. Let's talk.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK (changed 08.31.08)

"Max stepped into his private boat and waved goodbye, and sailed back over a year and in and out of weeks and through a day, and into the night of his very own room, where he found his supper waiting for him. And it was still hot."

~ Maurice Sendak, "Where The Wild Things Are"

To see previous Best of the Weeks, visit our BLOG

We don’t know how to take Nathan’s drawing this week.

Upon first inspection, it’s just plain scary. Yep. Hideously and appallingly scary. Sort of like a Tim Burton character interpreted by a derelict absurdist who has clearly consumed way too much caffeine.

Moreover, we’re not entirely certain what Mr. Lee is trying to “say” with this piece. Sure, we can read the words from left to right and in the proper order, but in the context of the image-as-a-whole everything falls apart, and we are left pondering its more esoteric dimensions. Is it a blithesomely malicious critique on our society and its swift escalator ride down to the lowest common denominator of intellectual impotence? Or is he asking us to read more deeply into the issue? Certainly, the book is inviting us to explore its contents, as we note by the outstretched arms; but note its piranha teeth, and what to make of that psychotic exuberance in its eyes? Is Nathan saying that knowledge itself—in the Academic & linguistic sense, mind you—is of an inherently devouring nature? Are we to glean that the pursuit of said knowledge leads to the same futile lunacy that we see staring back at us through these frenzied pages? Is this hellish tome warning us of some terrible, ontological truth? Is this book a mirror, Nathan? And if so, is it looking at us, the audience, or is it looking back at the artist who drew it?

Then again, it might just be another bastard lovechild of booze and pencil lead. Either way, we dig this. Good job.

Dear viewers, we think this image pretty much speaks for itself.

Thank you for bringing out the snickering eleven year old boy in all of us. How we enjoy his snot-nosed delinquency.

Our theme this week was "SPACED OUT".The task, you inquire? Simple: envision extraterrestrial, super-terrestrial, trans-terrestrial, or intra-terrestrial life-forms, whether it be yourself, a friend, a patron, or just a creative take on the hypothetical inhabitants of any of our trillions of fellow celestial bodies.

A talented and charismatic newcomer, Eliseo not only took our theme seriously, he produced an image that is intimidating, striking, and as imaginative as anything we could have conceived.

We’re not sure if our snarling cnidarian friend is pure evil, merely aggravated, or in the middle of sneezing. Sure, he looks like a Lovecraftian overlord who drinks the tears of his enemies and constructs planet-destroying doom rays, but for all we know, on his home-world, his is as dowdy and unsuspecting as Martha Stewart.

Regardless, we dug the company, we love the creature, and we hope to see our guest out again.

Artwork from April 29th, 2008. To see all artwork, please check out our PICS

I'd like to meet:

YOU! Or anyone who thinks that alcohol and artistry go together with impeccable logic. Men and women everywhere who thrive in public places, who are inspired by the presence of others, and who hate silence as much as they love motion. People who absolutely hate staying indoors. Night owls, insomniacs, and compulsive late-night doodlers of all varieties. Individuals far and wide who find art a communal activity and who are enriched by communion, collaboration, and, of course, the muse-like qualities of adult beverages.

You know who you are. You're out there, maybe in a corner by yourself looking dreadfully mysterious, maybe in a large crowd with your face in a sketch book, maybe occupying a booth near the far corner of the pub with one hand on a pint and another wrapped around a pencil. We know you. We ARE you. Well, were WERE you, before we found out that there were others like us.

So come grab a seat and give us all you've got. If you're gonna draw in public, let's make a party out of it. Meet new people. Experience new things. Be creative. Open your mind. Push the envelope. We hope you'll join us.


MODELS: Gorgeous women and men, circus performers, vaudevillians, burlesque dancers, contortionists, pro wrestlers, ballerinas, mimes, derby girls, body builders, little people, big people, bartenders.

PERFORMERS: Can you play the fiddle while standing on your head? Do you eat fire? Are you under the impression you can do stand-up? Can you juggle? We love good half-time entertainment, and if you'd be interested in showing off your talents for us, we'd love to have you!

SPONSORS: Do you have free stuff that you just have to give away? We're looking for gift certificates, booze, comics, t-shirts, cds, concert tickets - whatever you want (or don't want). In return, we'll give you free advertising.


Yes, please.


Professional artists, comic book artists, graffiti artists, hobbyists and rubbish amateurs. Cartoonists, animators, illustrators, sculptors, caricaturists, tattooists, musicians, creative writers, poets, photographers, filmmakers. Graphic designers, costume designers, set designers, fashion designers, toy designers, freethinking individuals, and self-proclaimed geniuses (the best kind of genius).

My Blog

Best of April 29th, 2008

We don't know how to take Nathan's drawing this week.Upon first inspection, it's just plain scary. Yep. Hideously and appallingly scary. Sort of like a Tim Burton character interpreted by a derelict a...
Posted by Drink & Draw" on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 12:51:00 PST

Best of April 22nd, 2008

A rarity in the short history of your favorite social club: we are rendered utterly and profoundly speechless. Drawn by the First Lady of Drink & Draw, this image is perplexing enough to induce seizur...
Posted by Drink & Draw" on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:18:00 PST

Best of April 15th, 2008

There are a lot of reasons we love Nathan. We love his copious plaid. We love the blonde tufts peeking through a patterned conductor's hat. We love the way he makes everything else in the room seem bo...
Posted by Drink & Draw" on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 09:47:00 PST

Best Of April 8th, 2008

This week our favorite drunken drawing is funny, eerie, and thoroughly unsettling on a number of levels. The sort of thing you’d be likely to see during a bad trip. We’re not sure if we fi...
Posted by Drink & Draw" on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 09:37:00 PST

Best of the Week, April 1st, 2008

April 1st, 2008. Drunken Drawing of the WeekWe have a tie-breaker! We admit it. Our theme this week was more than a little pretentious. Luckily Robin changed it up by adding a new theme: Dick Monkey. ...
Posted by Drink & Draw" on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 10:57:00 PST

Drunken Drawing of the Week, March 25th, 2008

March 25th, 2008Yep. This pretty much sums it up....
Posted by Drink & Draw" on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 12:11:00 PST