Mind expansion?
Ego dissolution?
My subconscious, and people who inspire me. Creative minds.. I actually hope to be abducted. I want to see what's up and I will take a risk like that. Also, my optimistic nature tells me, any being more intelligent than us would be peaceful, but who knows.
I would like to move very far from society one day.
I have been listening to rock since about third grade and started listening to classical in high school. I like music with feelings and atmosphere. Art in its purest form always resonates a unique emotion. Art goes hand in hand with mysticism.
The Wall
What the bleep do we know?
I don't watch TV.
Quantum Physics, Meta-physics, Divination, Shamanism, Philosophy, Astrology, Psychology, Arts, Phenomenon, Spirituality, indigenous cultures...
JTHM comics!
A couple that I strongly recommend are...
The Mission of Art
The truly good people in the world.