Anyone active in skiing, hiking, biking,running, swimming,and other physical fitness."taco taco burrito burrito." Fun people with cool pics and funny links. Musicians and people who know how to make me laugh. I love comedy shows live plays. I enjoy softball/baseball, bowling, socializing, relaxing, and learning.
Mighty Boostones, Phish, Reel Big Fish, Gold Finger, Incubus, Ugly Kid Joe, System of a Down, Less Than Jake, Radio Head, Pink Floyd, and many many many many more....
Family Guy, Simpsons, American Dad, Wonder Schozen, Dave Chappell, Comedy Central, Poker, Boxing, The Contender, and things that make me laugh!
The Men and Women of our United States Millitary who volunteer their service willingly in our nation and preserve the freedoms granted to us in the greatest goddamn country in the world. They are awake while we sleep. Don't ever forget that.