I love 2 read, talk on the phone, act a damn fool, and smile.
Cool down to earth people, who know how to have a good time and kick it. Nostuck up people,and no liars.
About The PreTTy PRINcess~!
~Name~ Mz.POOh A.K.A JeSSica
~Age~ 19 Finna be 20
~B-Day~ 4-11
!! SIGN!!~ Aries, ANd LIve up to it 2
~Hates~ Ugly PEOPLE who think they the SHit, and LIARS
~LOVeS~ Everybody WHO CrosseS My PAth
~Gay Status~ IM SupeR GAy as MY SIS would SaY
~Fetish~ PuRSes,and ShoeS
~JOB~ U betta BE LUCKy I goT 1, U CoulD BE My NEXt VicTIm
~gOaLs~ To LEt True LoVE Find Me, To BE a NURSE and have a FAMILY.
~Current Kickin It BUddies~ TISh, KAndY, sha sha bri bri, QUINN, and STinky BUtt
~ FAv Position~ I'm NOt tellin I said IM a Closet FREAK
~TAtz~ 1 Me NOmbre
~Piercings~ 1
~In A Femme FATALe or Stud/ No BOYz ALLOWed~
~Personality~ Sweet, and CAter to ME cause Im the Princess ReMembeR
~Age~ Like PRETTY RickY say Age aint NUthin But a #, Naw No MINORS
~Size~ No HUGE OGGA Woogas
~Back 2 ME~
~Brat Status~ Spoiled Rotten, Remember Im THe PRincess adn ITS Bout ME
~SiDE~ RePPin the SouthEAsT SidE To tha FUllEst
~NickNAMes~ Mz.Pooh, OREO, JeSS, PooDA
~Cell #~ Bet U Wanna KNOw
~StaLK ME~ jessica2bonita: AIM, jessicadorismariatacarraezell:YIM
~Dont's~ JuST CAuSe u VieW Me PAgey DonT TINk u Know me, ON Da StreeTS and RUN to ME LIKe u KNOW me ,and GET MaD when I DOn't Know who u r.
~DO's~ I am A SUPER Sweet PERSOn So U can ALWAYS SPEak, and IF I dont aNsweR just get A lil Closer To My SPace and ILl acknowledge U cause I'm ALWAYs on DA CElly :)
One LUV TO all MA BABIES Who actually REAd, MUAH
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