Anyone interested in senior pictures, family portraits, models adding to their portfolio or just having some quality photogaphs done for yourself and/or significant other to share.
What I do is strictly on a professional level (no funny business, sorry!). Good photographs are an investment for those serious about modeling, or anyone for that matter. You always get what you pay for.
***Attention Models***
While it never hurts to ask, I am no longer accepting unsolicited TFCD/ TFP requests. Please contact me about my rates if interested in working with me. I will contact models for TFCD/ TFP opportunities as I see fit.
For me, there is a difference between someone who is serious about modeling and someone who just wants pretty pictures of themselves. In my book, serious models, regardless of appearances, are the ones who make a solid commitment to work, show up and then get the job done. These are the models with whom I want to associate and work with. They are also the models that I will try to place in or recommend for paid work opportunities.
I encourage models to bring an escort to each session for peace of mind. Plus, it's always nice to have an extra set of hands on the set to hold reflectors or lights!
Please contact me to schedule an appointment or to ask any questions you may have.
Be sure to check out my modeling pages...
ModelMayhem #683346
SuperShoots #2972
ModelCoast #65272
ModelBlock #990